Ekaterin Nadia Dolokhova

Started by The Old Hack, September 10, 2012, 06:10:43 AM

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The Old Hack

Well, it was a very satisfying run with this character. Ekaterin managed to do a lot of the stuff I wanted her to do and I had great fun roleplaying her. But on to the pictures:

Ekaterin tries to convince some Murdertowners to let her inside so she can bargain for the lives of two friends. She does not have much luck! o.o

Ekaterin with two of the people she admired most in Mistlocke, faithful Jacey and Volkmar. She was heartbroken when they left the Muster.

Plotting against the Conclave with Xemes.

Watching an execution. Starting a long running relationship with Emily, whom she admired and liked.

The capture of Midah Resher. Kate had hoped to negotiate but it turned out to be impossible.

Xemes and the stolen Soul Archive.

Political meeting in Mistlocke!

On adventure with Joseph Oaktower! A kobold just sailed past on a raft, and Kate wonders if she was hallucinating; she could have sworn it was piratically dressed...

Election day! Notice that even the angry Mistlocke citizen to the left isn't too angry to use a comfy chair.

Midah's fatal duel with Rauryk.

A rare confrontation with Stargazers.

I always suspected it would end this way for Kate. But still, no complaints! I had a good run till then.

So many people I want to thank for good RP experiences. Sion/Kayon for one, Axirios for being generally awesome, Midah Resher, Markin Buckbane, Rauryk, Emily, Bebel, Marion, Simon Lestrade, Belle, Squire Reach and many others... and of course ShadowCharlatan for being the superb DM he is.

And always, the EfU community and the DM team!



Awesome, too bad neither of my characters are in any of them. Good luck on your next one, and may we meet under the same arms once again.

el groso

Wow, well done! Kate was awesome


Sorry you had to go. Feel free to make another sorcerer in the Muster.

I keed, I keed. It's always a pleasure, Toh.



I will miss Kate, nearly had it all taken care of but that Basterd, screwed it up.

Great run and thanks for being there for Clikit.


Oh no, I can't believe this.........

You just can't die like that ! we need you too much....

.... Congratulation for your great PC. Axirios will forever remember you.

I hope you roll another one in the Musters !

Egon the Monkey

Excellent spellsword who was never afraid to kick some criminal arse, even if she did at times feel like she came with a big target on her xD. Now who's gonna buff Lestrade to sneak off and cause mayhem?


I was hoping to see more of her, especially after so recently joining the Muster. :(

Her presence will be missed. So few of us knew the truth which justified her (strong) convictions.
'Even life eternal is not time enough to see, all the folly and despair of poor Humanity.' - [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OJAoaCHdTJY]To Life - A Shoggoth on the Roof[/url]

It is through Art, and through Art only, that we can realise our perfection.


ekaterin this is for you

Calimport Smoke

An excellent Sgt. of the Muster. Always available oocly, ICly, to help mentor people with how to handle with proper etiquette and finesse the role of impartial lawman on EFU. Kudos. Great, long lasting PC!

Spiffy Has

I am saddened to see another PC I would have loved knowing go into the mists.


Well played, "believable" character.
Awesome as always tOH.


[11:23 PM] Howlando: Feel free LealWG
[11:23 PM] Howlando: I'll give you a high five + fist bump tip

[1:34 AM] BigOrcMan: RwG, a moment on the lips, forever on the hips


Excellent PC! I had alot of fun questing and RPing with her.  The 'Snake Lady' will be missed. Good luck on your next PC, tOH!


Absolutely brilliant.