OOC in PvP

Started by Akrasia, September 01, 2012, 06:55:49 AM

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Hi everyone,

I’d like to make a friendly suggestion to everyone playing EFU:M: when you are beaten in PvP, I think it’s a good idea to stay in character at least to the person/people that have beaten you. Rage in tells to your friends if you like, but stay IC publicly.

  This suggestion comes after weeks of playing here, and having PvPed a lot of times. I’ve never actually full damage killed anyone in EFU:M, nor have I looted anyone for more than the princely sum of 2 blur potions. Nobody has ever lost a great deal to me, so going out-of-character and being passive-aggressive and short with me is quite a disproportionate response I think! It happens I’d say 80-90% of the time I PvP people and it just ruins the experience for me (a big thank you to the people that just lie there and take it and play along: I salute you).

  I have been  subbed a lot of times and FD killed and while I may sometimes talk to my friends about it in tells, in public channels I stay IC the entire time as I think it’s just a courtesy to let the person that’s beaten you fair-and-square savour their victory. The moment someone goes OOC to me I just feel like sighing and walking my character off, because it’s clearly become personal at that point and no longer a game that’s fun for everyone.

  To clarify, by going OOC I mean:

QuoteComplaining that I cheated to beat you (tell a DM, not me)

Complaining that you lost to lag rather than to my PC (tell a friend at worst, suck it up at best)

Complaining and/or being snarky when I’m hounding on your character to make more of their items drop so I can have a look through your pack. (I’m very sorry and I know it’s a pain and inconvenient to have to rearrange your inventory and quickslots, and I will spar kill if I’m not looking for something you’re carrying, but unless there's an alternative mechanic I can use that I'm not aware of, just deal with it I suppose?)

Complaining that I don’t have enough justification to sub your character or going "//WTF MAN" when I jump out at you in the wilds (if I’m playing a bandit or druid, esp. one that isn’t actually robbing you but just subbing you for reputation and character dev, which has been the case up until now, then I do. It’s ultimately up for me to decide and not you, and if you suspect I’m taking liberties, again, tell a DM, not me, I really don’t want to hear about it)

Complaining that you’re a lower level than me (if you’re really a much lower than me then I wouldn’t FD or loot you and I would go so far as to RP accidentally dropping healing items/invis as I walk away if I'd left you in a bad position with nearby hostile spawns)


  (I am of course not talking about things like sending someone a polite tell to ask if you’re allowed to get up from being subbed.)

  As I said, I’ve never actually gone into PvP with the intention of FDing anyone, or looting them beyond one or two potions that I used up in the process, so even if you did lose to lag, even if you think I don’t have justification to beat on you… I suppose just be a big boy and deal with it? I do understand that some people panic and get frustrated when they think their characters are going to die or be looted hard, but I don’t think that’s an excuse, because if I can overcome that, I expect everyone else to be able to too.

  I imagine some of you reading this might be thinking “We know this all already, this is a totally unnecessary post”, and I would’ve thought that too, so I’m surprised to find myself having to write this, because I really didn’t expect this kind of thing to be going on here.

Thanks everyone!


The reminder is nice now and then. I believe that people sometimes expected the worst of things and panic in a slew of tells or other things. EFU has always had a very great success rate concerning quality PVP, and I truly think that it hasn't faltered in any form over the years.

el groso

Since this is a kind reminder to all the player base regarding PvP ... Here goes mine... Please, stay down when subdued. Simply emoting "stands up" does not give you the right to walk away, go invisible and strike back! You need the -clear- permission of the player who subdued you or a DM to perform any action other than speak.


If you have a (misplaced) sense of spite about the PvP, speak with the players and/ or DM AFTERWARDS. Accusatory OOC messages during the act are extremely nauseating.


Sending tells to friends just after you have been or while PvP is ongoing is a very bad idea. While I think that 99% of the time people do stick to the rules I do see what Akrasia is saying, I have encountered various people that can break the immersion by acting inappropiate. I.e. You can tell it is the player speaking through their character rather then the character itself.

Jayde Moon

Nice post, Akrasia.

I will step further and say that a lot of the folks you may complain to in tells won't appreciate it either.

I will add that trying to stay positive will also help develop a more balanced attitude towards PvP.

If you actually are the victim of inappropriate PvP, take it to a DM.  Otherwise, if you don't have anything nice to say (to the person who PvPed you), then don't say anything at all.

Marlin Silice

I'd like to add that IC but out of place dialogs are very annoying as well. I've seen a lot of players whose characters, after subdued, become fearless, badass dudes with no regard for their own life that go like

"You subdued me? well you suck, i ain't even scared. In fact, let me throw as many insults and provocations as i can and be unresponsive to beatings or intimidation"

Because this honestly feels as if the player was trying to ruin the experience of the other player by changing the personality of his/her character all sudden. That is unless the PC was like that all the time, but they usually aren't.

But that's just a personal opinion.


Begging for your life is a good thing to do in these situations, when you're subdued. Whining in tells or OOC will just make someone (me, if you're subdued by me) want to FD you, or at bare minimum, loot a lot more, just like insulting, threatening or lying to the person who subdued you. Most people on EfU will hardly ever FD, even if they are some major villain, and when it comes to looting they tend not to take anything nearing a crippling amount (though sometimes they do), and especially not from random folks. I have seen people give back the things they steal if the person gives in to some demand (like tell no one, spy on this person, figure this out for me, etc.).

Obviously sometimes folks do take a lot, and it's just the way it is. You got it once, though, and you can get it again, be it from friends, quests, or some nice little event. There are tons of ways of getting those potions back that it's hardly a setback for more than two or three days, tops. If you need help, ask for it IC and if necessary, OOC, people generally have good advice.


I totally agree with the statements above.  I just want to add one thing... not all of the 'sportsmanship' lay in the hands of the loser.  Yes the one that loses needs to be a good loser, they need to be able to look passed the loss and forward from here.  But, the winner needs to do the same.  Having lost more PvP than I ever care to admit, the winner can destroy the experience just as quickly.  

I've had tells telling how me how easy it was to beat me. (now that was always a confidence builder.)
I've had tells bragging about how much crap the "winner" has made off with over time.
I've had tells basically telling me it wasn't worth it because I didn't have anything worth taking. (My answer was "then don't take anything..."

So not only can the losers ruin the 'event'.. but the winners can just as well.

The Old Hack

Sylvyr is correct. I have been in PvP that consisted of a fully buffed invis ganker taking me out in no time and then talking trash to me afterwards about how easy I was to beat. Both sides are important -- good roleplaying is cooperative in nature and requires some give and take from both sides. I should stress, I have been in losing PvP situations where I have enjoyed the RP far more than in winning ones where all the loser does is talk trash. It all depends on showing respect for your fellow players (possibly not the characters but always the players).


Endorsed. Deeply displeased to learn that this is apparently an issue; back in MY day players usually could handle winning and losing with equal grace.


dunno why people would gloat in tells, that is gay as hell and rude tbh, WHO WERE THEY SYLV ILL SORT THEM OUT

and there is nothing wrong with gloating ic, some characters are just pricks


I haven't experienced any of this myself, is this some kind of new trend?


I feel that the best I can do is to lose as often as possible in order to set a good example for other losers.

That's why I never win PvP. Honest, that's why.

Big Orc Man

TBH being chill is THE most important trait, bar none.