Leaving/Returning Posts

Started by ScottyB, September 07, 2008, 03:58:23 PM

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So yeah, left for a while.

I'm back now.

When I left I was being more than a little unpleasant to some people, those who did not deserve such treatment.  Mostly I was just whining to the people who tolerated me the most.  I'm sorry for those of you who had to put up with that, I was just being a poor sport.

In fact I realized what a jerk I was being, I figured I should leave before I did something extra stupid/mean.

And on top of that I was getting a little sick of 3.0 DnD.  It's fun and all but some parts of the game I just had to disagree with.  So I tried other games (and other DnD versions).  While away I tried DnD 2.0 (haven't played it since my brother brought home those archaic books) it was kind of fun.  I tried 3.5, that was also kind of cool.  Then I tired 4.0, it had some things that were nice about it but not enough.  Then I went for other games entirely, World of Darkness for example.  And after playing other RPGs in my spare time I realized something, if I don't like them so much why not make my own?  So now I have a work in progress, it's coming along great and anyone can PM me about it if they are curious about it.

While away I also tried other servers before I had dumped NWN entirely.  They were nice, they had features I wish this server had.  But this server still towered over them in the awesome-o-meter.

But, after trying other servers, other RPGs, something other than board games and video games all together (like life, it's also nice but I can only make one character), I came back to EfU:A.

And as I was about to log on for the first time in a while I thought to myself, I didn't give one of my characters a good chance at being played out to their fullest.  So, he was still on the server and I played him.  I'll be going by the Player Name Blewt until I feel I have effectively played my character to a good end.  When that character has finished to my satisfaction I will play again as Lansert.

Look forward to the RP to come.



I will be gone for the weekend, back Sunday night EST. bye!!



Away for about 10 days.


Leaving for a few days.


Moving into a new place, a bit broke might be a week or two untill I am back play since we'll have no internet!!


officially taking a break from efu for a while, until I can come up with a character that I'll enjoy playing.


i walked one morning to the fair


well that certainly makes a difference



Quote from: derflaro;151175well that certainly makes a difference



Quote from: derflaro;151175well that certainly makes a difference

see this is why i hate you derf
i walked one morning to the fair


I hope you manage to overcome your demons, brother. Rehab was the best choice, you know Mother is right. Awowawahoh, totally addicted to poo.


dude that is a positive message. i don't see why everyone instantly interprets it as sarcasm, that hurts me. just pretend it was a mistype and i meant to say "oh god i want dan's dick don't leave me" or something to that extent. not that it matters since you are obviously still here to respond.


i am leaving in an hour or so dickhead look i dont even know why youre here you havent had a decent pc since otto lonmore
i walked one morning to the fair