Leaving/Returning Posts

Started by ScottyB, September 07, 2008, 03:58:23 PM

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I'll be going on vacation soon, so I'll just step out now before I get involved in anything. I'll be back on the 29th or 30th, most likely.


Vacation got canceled, so I'll be sticking around.


Be back after the Christmas shenanigans.


Kinda miss this place and good role players, (all the RPG replacements I've tried fall short). Gonna reinstall my NwN and play again if ya'll don't mind.


Ran into some nasty computer problems. Sparing the details, I'll be gone for at least another day or two while I get everything re-installed. >.>

Wild Card

I'm back, finals are done so I will be around for a few weeks. look forward to seeing what's changed

el groso

Taking a long break, Hashall might be retired, but I haven't decided yet. But I definitely need a break. See you soon, EFU:M, keep rocking



Taking a break. Bye efu


Took longer than I thought, but I should be online more now.


I'm keenly lacking any time to actually play a DM faction PC, so for the moment I'm going to be bowing out of anything IG that involves me that much - Sorry to anyone that Valenta was plotting with etc.


After the sudden spree of studying, reports and work being fired in galore, and holidays, I hopefully soon got time to return to playing after two months.

Hopefully be playing soon enough.


Back after PC problems last few days


Just wanted to let everyone know that I am leaving this Thursday the 5th to go have assorted adventures in Costa Rica and won't be back till sometime in March.

So, Tobias has gone roving!


Gonna be gone from the fifth until the tenth or so. =]