Gart of Amn: Hats and Crossbows!

Started by Black_TopHat, July 09, 2012, 01:29:11 PM

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Well, Gart is dead. He died in a rather spectacular way, so I hear, and I'm happy to have his story end here.
Garts entire concept was based around crossbows. Not crossbows because they can be mechanically strong, but for the reason that I find crossbows cool. Their a brutal weapon with murderous simplicity. You point and shoot.
So I went straight fighter, went to my favorite country of Amn and slapped on my floppiest hat and went to it!
All in all I had a great time with him, it was fun as hell to be the easy going happy go lucky murderous sellsword. I'd love to thank Thenson, Redthorn, Harriet, Midah, Mort and ShadowCharlatan and a bunch of others for the fun ride!
Now, screenies... I could have sworn I took more, but it seems this is it.
Here he is, from the very beginning with Davan Redthorn, Proud men with Hats and glorious mustaches. We HAD to unite!

Despite the campaign following apart at the end, I still found myself in political dealings

No idea how it got to this, but Gart got to see his oldest friend take the Mayoral Seat

He had his share of good luck

I really wish I got the description of this crossbow, nothing was better than watching people squirm as I fiddled around with my naked statue woman

As a heads up, never just volunteer for anything, or trust everything to a guy in a floppy hat and a crossbow on tight, cramped conditions


And finally, the closest I've EVER been to 8... so very damn close!


damn, I would love to know the description of the crossbow! so kitsch! :D

I didn't interact with Gart a lot. I only saw him of passage. But I always had the feeling of him being some secret twin of Redthorn or even his misterious lover :P


Gart was such an awesome character totally awesome because he was made intentionally under powered yet overcame obstacles.

el groso

Awesome character, sad to see him go. His death was pretty cool though; looking forward to your next! :)


Damn! We were going to find the naked crossbow statue factory together! Nuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu


He was a good man, no?


I remember watching this character fight in the Mist's End sponsored brawl, he was the only one who didn't have to use an event sponsored weapon; just him and his crossbow. Amusing and brilliant at the same time.
'Even life eternal is not time enough to see, all the folly and despair of poor Humanity.' - [url=]To Life - A Shoggoth on the Roof[/url]

It is through Art, and through Art only, that we can realise our perfection.


Beshaba's black bosom.

God speed, you swag man with a funny hat and mustache. o7


I'm going to miss my classy mustachioed brother, no?
<elmo>: i have to say for me your glory days have been on EFUR RagingPurpleGiant1

Winston Martin

Hat men unite! RIP.