Weird Bug

Started by Efu_Executioner, January 07, 2009, 06:00:35 AM

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It'll take a bit of explaining, likely confusing explaining.

I logged on, noticed that I heard the exact same sending 3 times, as if it repeated itself. Walk to the ziggurat, I change view from my character to one named Kehl Wandahl, this is not my PC, but my view centers on him as if I am playing him, I cannot control him though. Whenever someone speaks I see what they typed twice, including my own text. Oddly enough I have three PCs that are not mine in my vault (Account name) Efu_TheodoreMercer, The PCs are Kehl Wandahl, Allvarez Delliani, and Jieron Fetter.

If I stay logged on my character disappears, If I recall this is a known bug and a rather annoying one if its not caught.


I have the exact same bug.  Same characters in my account which are not mine.  I also constantly change to the perspective of Kehl Wandahl and I'm unable to control anything.  Double text as well.

My only character is Brom Webber.


You'll need a DM to delete the extra PC's, but to stop the camera thing,

open nwn.ini and change  where it says
Client Port = 5120


Client  Port =512(2-9)

So, 5124, etc.  

This /should/ fix it, in the meantime.

EDIT: It's nwnplayer.ini - Sorry.


Yes, this is a known bug, and it even has its very own sticky.


The solution to this is annoying because it makes our server not show up on gamespy for reasons that make no sense to me.


Actually, the solution works now without causing the gamespy problem so hopefully this won't happen again!