Lower Level PRC's.

Started by Cruzel, January 01, 2009, 10:57:53 AM

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Don’t get me wrong, the idea sounds very tempting. I’m just thinking that some class mixes and easier prereqs may make for broken PC’s.

And if you all are saying leave it to the DM’s and the app approval then things could get touchy, I can hear it now; “Hey you let schmoebag be a wizard/shifter! Why cant I be a monk/RDD damnit anyway!?”

Just my two cents worth.


Certain prerequisites should not be disregarded. Such as the wildshape requirement for Shifter, and the arcane casting required for RDD. If those were removed, the prestige classes would not make sense ICly.


As per PnP Shifter doesn't require Wildshape specifically, just a natural alternate form. I don't think a Wizard's Polymorph fits the bill, but all Lycanthropes would be eligible.


I just checked the shifter PRC in Masters of the Wild, a 3.0 rulebook, which says the following.

"Alternate Form—must either know polymorph
self or have a natural alternate form, alter self, polymorph
self, shapechange, or wild shape ability."

And also this.

"The shifter’s path is ideal for a spellcaster of any race
who has experienced shapeshifting and yearns for more
of it."

The updated version, in Complete Adventurer, Master of the Wilds, requires wildshape.

So with the older version, a wizard/shifter could be a possibility. I do not see anything wrong with that, though. It is not more powerful than a druid/shifter, considering the lower BAB, less hp, etc.


Wizard polymorph does fit the bill in Canon PnP. You just need to be able to shift, not have a natural form.

Aldrick Tanith

If I am not mistaken you have to be wanded to even take a PrC.  So even if all mechanical requirements are removed, the DM's still decide at which level you begin taking the class.

I believe mechanical requirements should be removed, and the specifics of the requirements should be left up to the DM's to decide based upon individual applications and common sense.  In effect, leaving it in the hands of the DM's to decide on a case by case basis.

If someone can write an awesome enough application to get assassin at level two, then I trust the DM's to make a wise decision.

At the end of the day, it is role-playing and not mechanics that make a PrC.  Though, naturally, the role-playing should be reflected in the mechanics where and when possible.


Aldrick pretty much has it. It's up to the DM's anyways, the requirements becoming guidelines instead of requirements would be awesome. You're not going to have a weapon MASTER without most of those feats anyways, etc.

Take out the requirements completely, and as long as the person's app is sufficiently awesome they should not have to worry about what feats they have, imo.