Lower Level PRC's.

Started by Cruzel, January 01, 2009, 10:57:53 AM

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It would be interesting to have hide and move silently removed as a prerequisite for the assassin PRC. That would allow for more interesting assassins.


I take back what I said about helping the DMs figure out new requirements. I'll have no part in a decision that will likely be a major point of contention among my fellow PvP-happy players.

I'll still do the work though, as long as I know what work I'm to be doing.


I am surprised you are not trying to become Plum Applewood, Arcane Archer.


To me, a PRC is just like a subrace, you (almost always) should be playing the PC as if they were already or were training to be the PRC, like someone else said.
If not removing them completely, adjusting the reqs so they can be taken at 2-4 would be the way to go, IMO.
Classes like WM and AA and Assasin could be a nonissue, imo.
Assasin, if they CAN earn it in the eyes of the DM's  at levels 2-4 rather than the usual 5-6, they deserve the early death attack, imo.
AA, the feat progression can be changed so their +1 feats are not gained until like AA level 2 or 3, or something like that.
WM, same deal as WM, If you really need to, you can kick back the boost progresssion a bit so the really good bonuses are not earned /too/ soon.
I can't speak for shifter, but TBH I do not see very much difficulty in balancing this out. Actually implementing it /should/ take like 20-30 minutes of 2da work tops + testing (another 30 minutes?)
For such a small amount of work, the diversity of EFU:A could skyrocket as we see more variety in classes and how they are RP'd.
Love me and my amazing ideas


Still not really in favour.

PRCs are a culmination of experience and training on behalf of the character. I don't see anyone earning intensive PrCs like Blackguard or Divine Champion before levels 6/7 anyway, and just because we suddenly remove some restrictions doesn't mean we are going to lower the application requirements also.


I see a problem with the “this is a RP server” and this idea. Yes, I agree this would be awesome, but I also see problems with its awesomeness in that some players would take advantage of the PrC’s abilities. It would be just as easy to say lets raise the server cap on levels to be able to see these PrC’s in action. Which I think most would not agree with.

Actually, it would probably be much easier to raise the level cap than to change all the PrC prereqs.


9lives knows that CLEAVE is an essential part of all secret blackguard training.


Not to mention the +5 Hide!

But, if the rest of my august companions are similarly inclined (and can be bothered) some changes, or removals, could be nice. I'm just not interested in removals across the board.

Nuclear Catastrophe

Personally I think that if you deserve and earn the prestige class, then the requirements are moot.  Plus, we can always decide these things on a case-by-case basis anyway.  We could change the requirements for some prestige classes (like WM, say) and then not for others.


I'm of the 9lives gutter of thought.


I really like this idea alot, except that many of the PrCs have already been altered to be more in line with the level limits of the server. Mind you, that was all for the last server...


A compromise between needing six levels of lame feats for weapon master and having a lot of level seven characters running around with blinding speed and 15-20 critical hit ranges would be nice.
The modified palemaster summons would also be incredibly powerful on a lower level character.


Purple Dragon Knight PrC needs some serious changes <_>


I really doubt that something so drastic as 'omg remove all requirements mass level two prcz' would ever happen, since they are judged on an application basis in the first place. I am in favor of removing/changing the requirements of certain prcs, because if the player has earned it, I would say they deserve to take the class! And as Nuke said, it is a case by case decision anyway, so why not bend the requirements for appropriate situations?


Changing it to allow more open interpretations of each class would be interesting, imo. A Blackguard should not have to have sneak and cleave, a Shifter should not be Druid only, and it would be good to let more artistic interpretations of classes exist, rather than bound by the limiting pre-reqs. I personally, would be all for removing the pre-reqs and having it completely the DM's choice if that character could be prestigious enough to be known as a Blackguard, a Divine Champion or a Weapon Master.