Entoni Zagan - Faithless, Armless

Started by The Pathfinder, March 18, 2012, 07:41:06 AM

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The Pathfinder

Entoni is a modification of Anthony, my youngest brother's name. Zagan is a modification of Carl Sagan, who likely needs no introduction.

Mechanically, I wanted to play with Poison. The class choice (Rogue) and the perk choices (Poisoner and Apothecary) were to further the goal of making poison and then using it (in and out of combat.) I excluded Open Lock and Bluff because of personality reasons, and chose instead Lore and Persuade. I chose halfling for thematic reasons: I like the idea of a character whose voice is loud and forceful, but whose body is small and relatively harmless.


Entoni's backstory involves slavery in Mulhorand. He was born and raised as a slave to a mining operation. His parents were both miners. He was raised to be a steward, and made literate for that purpose. However, he had a natural desire to rebel, and was sent to the mines for insolence. The mine-owners were religious, and devout to the god of earth, Geb.

By the time he was 15, Entoni discovered a type of poisonous mineral found in the cave. He used it to kill his captors, and escaped into the desert. He joined a trading caravan as a labourer until he reached a major city, at which point he joined a merchant ship's crew as a Captain's steward. He sailed to the west, trying to get as far away from his old life as possible. In the course of events, he discovered the joy of learning and whiskey, and eventually travelled to Lantan to study arts and sciences with the gnomes.


Entoni's only has a single goal: to get an answer to the question: "Why?" Everything else - his obsession with the logical process, his refusal to pray to or worship Gods (until he gets his answer), his holding accountable of those around him to discover the truth - is symptomatic of a character who wants an answer and is willing to shout himself hoarse to get it.

He is a realist, and fully expects to never get his answer. In fact, his love of learning, history, and academics has nothing to do with the goal; it's just the way that his mind operates, over-analytical and rarely willing to let things go until he's satisfied. He will not settle for the answer he himself has derived: "The Gods are not worthy of our worship." Rather, he will not rest until They answer for why he was born into slavery.

  • My OOC goals for playing Entoni are as follows, in no particular order:
  • Write books in-character
  • Explore the server's history and philosophies in fine detail
  • Play with herbalism/alchemy, primarily poison
  • "Be academic"
  • Find an excuse to get connected with other people from John
  • Argue constantly
  • At least once, create a deadly poison, put it in a drink, and give the drink to someone with the intention that they drink it
Here are some screenshots, the select few out of about 300+.

[hide="One time I met Bluto."]


[hide="Dabbenfare was cool."]


[hide="Herostrat and I were complicated."]


[hide="Joe was the best."]


[hide="Didn't like no Gods."]


[hide="Sometimes, put on the Boss Hat."]

[hide="So I lost my arms."]


[hide="Fun times."]


The Pathfinder

Oh for fuck's sake Imgur.

I'll fix it later.

The Old Hack

I loved Entoni and will miss him. Hope you'll be back soon with another awesome character!


Pleate's Treats

Fuck everything about this.


A pretty neat character, whom Conrad had an odd relationship with. Great job, and good luck on the next!


ugh.. wish i had more time to play! It could have been Gustave to answer his question!

Prairial Twenty-Two



Zagan was fantastic. We need more PCs and more players like this!

He represented the best kind of RP on the server.

I ... I ... can't believe he's gone.


Spiffy Has

Hot and sexy halfling flesh.


The Pathfinder

Okay. Fixed the Pix.


Those Dabbenfare pics make me sweaty. Hawt.



"So what else is on your mind besides 100 proof women, 90 proof whisky, and 14 karat gold?"
"Amigo, you just wrote my epitaph."

"Maybe there's just one revolution.  The good guys against the bad guys.  The question is, who are the good guys?"

~The Professionals


Amazing.. *Cries* Who will I kite Murdertown raiders with now!