Stone Giants in the Foothills

Started by Veiled, February 11, 2012, 04:43:43 PM

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Firstly, I love it that the Withered Lands are incredibly challenging and I like the fact that there are creatures about that can, at a moments notice, cause you to be in grave danger.
However, I would like to suggest that the NPC spawn of creatures in the Foothills, just near to the entrance as you arrive from Gates of Nebezzos, is repositioned slightly to be further away from the loading area.
When two Stone Giants spawn there they spam their rock throwing attack the second you enter. The damage is enough to kill plenty of PC's before they have loaded fully.
Happy to see them still spawn but perhaps just a little further back.


This also happens on the way into the Bogs from the Webbed Wood.
The Stone Clan Giants have an excellent sight range it seems, more than most other NPC critters. Whilst that makes perfect sense we had another  death of a mage because two of them spamming stone throws killed her within a round.


We'll try to make these spawns next to transitions more considerate.


I think it may indeed be a problem with Stonehand Giants.

I had a similar experience when stepping out of the cave in Starwood (being, immediately getting two rocks to the face). Normally creatures that spawn in the given location wouldn't immediately attack you.

Of course it's only natural that they would throw their rocks at a point where you are far away rather than close, but 1. they just continue throwing when you do get close and 2. for most classes damage from these things is guaranteed, as they don't get evasion (by default, anyway, I'm hesitant on calling that it hasn't been changed).

Transitioning into two fireballs sounds a lot worse, but it's basically the same thing.