Spellsword Perk

Started by flyingmidget, February 01, 2012, 03:42:11 AM

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There is a problem with the spell swords perk, in the thread of New Implementation for Pure Sorcerer the spells swords perk should give the following.


Level 1: Weapon Proficiency (Martial), Weapon Proficiency (Exotic), +1 Attack Bonus
Level 5: +3 Taunt, +2 Magical Damage on melee attacks
Level 8: Damage Reduction 5/+1, +1 Dodge AC

So far I've only seen to parts not working as listed above. For level 1 part of it you do not receive the Exotic weapon proficiency but get spell penetration instead of it. Also for level 5 the +2 magical damage on melee attacks seems to work on any attack including ranged.

Thank in advance for anytime investigating the problems.

Also here's the character's name: Frin Widensto


I'll fix the exotic weapon proficiency bug.

The +2 magical damage may or may not be desirable as it is.

Thanks for helping me!

Spiffy Has

Keep it with ranged weapon damage imo! Gives the concept "Arcane Archer" a new meaning. ;)


Also, i took the perk, had the same issues and can't take weapon focus with any weapon that isn't simple proficiency.

Spiffy Has

The Weapon Focus Feat selection only selects the feats your character took upon creation as options for the +1 AB. Hence the +1 AB upon creation. :)


Probably has to do with how the feats are applied MM, unless a DM is willing to leto everyone with a kit like this who rolls through I'm not sure it's possible to change. (May be wrong, and feel free to correct me :P)

Eddie Walker

Quote from: "MirrorMask"Also, i took the perk, had the same issues and can't take weapon focus with any weapon that isn't simple proficiency.

That'll likely be due to the way the perk's implemented, I'd say that the feats are merely added to a players hide, rather then being leto'd onto the character itself.

In the shortest sense the player hide is just a non visible equitable item and as such any feat granted via it won't act as a prerequisite for anything else (the same as if the feat was granted via armour or another item).  Not a bug per say, just a flaw of it's implementation.

Only fix for this is if the server was running NWNX they'd be able to use letoscript to add them to the character, however NWNX can be more trouble then it's worth at times, otherwise I think a DM would have to add the feats via Leto for each character.  (Actually they might be able to batch add them between resets, but it'd likely increase reset time by who knows how long)



If that's just the way it is and not a bug, Spiffy, then that's okay.

Eddie Walker

Quote from: "MetallicSlime"Probably has to do with how the feats are applied MM, unless a DM is willing to leto everyone with a kit like this who rolls through I'm not sure it's possible to change. (May be wrong, and feel free to correct me :P)

It is completely possible to change, but it'd require the use of NWNX and LetoScript, however it is likely not worth the effort due to the issues that can arise from playing around with NWNX.

But more or less you're correct, I'd say they're merely adding the feats to a players hide (which is just an item that can't be seen).

A side note for Talir if he looks into the thread again.  You may have issues with removing the Spell Pen feat from players that already have taken the Perk as simply fixing the script up to add exotic weapons won't remove the Spell Pen feat from those that already have received it, unless you've already thought about it.

And perhaps in regards to the death and losing weapons, I'd likely look into if player hides are being re-equipped on re-spawn along with everything else (if they don't have the feat it won't equip the weapon and as you're trying to equip the weapon straight from the dead corpse, that could be your issue.)

Totally ignore me if you've already thought into this.



Quote from: Spiffy Has;273047Keep it with ranged weapon damage imo! Gives the concept "Arcane Archer" a new meaning. ;)

a lame one