Kasimir Dralgur, the warrior of Targus

Started by SilverSword, January 19, 2012, 12:13:34 AM

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So it happened. Kasimir is dead!
Probably not known by many, if any.
He is my typical villain PC - dies within less than a week.

I had fun playing him, despite the little time I have during week days to play.

Thanks to everyone involved in his story and thanks to derfo for an excellent ending RP.
I had a blast.

Kasimir was a mercenary from Luskan. He was a bad talker - always better at swinging his axe, once he was paid, no questions asked. His mentality was that being a mercenary thug will be an excellently paying job, while also a perfect opportunity to get his hands covered in blood. Extraordinary Garagossan who had no need to share with everyone what his faith is, but every bit of blood that was spilled and poured down the gold he got for it was spilled in the name of Garagos - or at least he thought it would be.

Also, he loved his Luskan tobacco. Puffing on a cigar was his favourite activity. And it made him man up each time, too. Couldn't be a real Garagossan without his smokes.

I had a lot of PvP encounters in a short while. One was very brutal, and I apologize to the attempted mugger again and I hope the others had fun - I attempted to be subtle and provide as much fun as possible. Considering what was done, it is understandable someone might be angry that his well respected PC was forced to become something... much less.

Anyhow, the screenies! I got only a few and all except one are events leading to his death. The others could be a little spoilerous, so here's the little I got.

Killing a couple of great lizards. All in a day's work.

Getting ready to take a beating after his acts were made public.

It was done. Kasimir could carry on with his life. But a sense of strange, unorthodox loyalty made him attempt to bring his long term employer and associate, Septis, back.

A little misfortune occured, but with the strength of a half orc he got away!

When he decided he will not run from a Cyrist scum, he turned around and faced the overwhelming foe. Almost achieved victory, but then a brutal shot sent him to the ground.

And so he burned.

Her Imperial Majesty

Burned like his master- TO THE DEATH


Look like he had a good run.

Winston Martin

His charisma was laughable.


His strength was very good, though.

Nuclear Catastrophe

Quote from: Winston Martin;271354His charisma was laughable.

Quote from: Porkolt;271659His strength was very good, though.

The story of my life :(