Major Deities

Started by Caster13, September 28, 2005, 01:03:23 AM

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Mr. Cheez-It


The Lady of Mysteries, the Mother of All Magic
Symbol: Circle of seven blue-white stars with red mist flowing from the center.
Home Plane: Dweomerheart
Alignment: Neutral Good
Portfolio: Magic, Spells, the Weave
Worshipers: Elves, half-elves, incantatrixes, mystic wanderers, sorcerers, spelldancers, spellfire channelers, wizards.
Favored Weapon: Seven whirling stars (shuriken)

Cleric Alignments: CG, LE, LG, LN, NG
NwN Domains: Good, Illusion, Knowledge, Magic, Spell, Rune

History/Relationships:  Mystra is the third deity to hold the position of Lady of Mysteries and Mother of all Magic since the rise of Netheril. The first was Mystryl, who died saving the Weave from the arrogance of the Netherese archwizard Karsus. The second Lady of Mysteries was teh first to create the Chosen of Mystra, including Elminster, Khelben, and the Seven Sisters. She died at the hands of Helm during the Time of Troubles while trying to return to the planes. At the end of the Avatar Crisis, a mortal wizard named Midnight assumed the name of her predecessor upon ascension to divinity. Like Cyric and Kelemvor, it took the new Mystra some time to grow into her role as a deity. For a decade, she battled her old enemy Cyric on many occasions, and for a time, withheld the use of magic from deities and mortals alike. However, since then she seems to have learned her role as guardian of the Balance and impartial arbiter of the Weave.

Mystra's customary advisor is Azuth, although the Lord of Spells is less close than he was with the previous Lady of Mysteries. Savras and Velsharoon, who thus indirectly report to Mystra as well, serve Azuth. The Mother of All Magic maintains close alliances with deities of knowledge, such as Oghma, Deneir, and Milil, as well as the deities of magic in other pantheons, including Corellon Larethian, Isis, and Thoth. Although she still hates Cyric with a passion and views the return of Bane with burgeoning hatred, Mystra's chief antagonist is Shar. Shar secretly created the Shadow Weave long ago in response to Selune's creation of Mystryl and the Weave (to which Shar inadvertently contributed as well). Mystra sees Shar's actions as a direct threat to her own portfolio and a grave danger to the integrity of the Weave, and her ties with Selune are strong and growing. It is Mystra's aim to eventually subsume the Shadow Weave into her own portfolio, even if that means sacrificing her last remaining vestiges of humanity and inherent goodness and absorbing more of the darkness that is Shar.

Dogma: Love magic for itself. Do not treat it just as a weapon to reshape the world to your will. True wisdom is knowing when not to use magic. Strive to use magic less as your powers develop, for often the threat or promise of its use outsripes its actual performance. Magic is Art, the Gift of the Lady, and those who wield it are privileged in the extreme. Conduct yourself humbly, not proudly, while being mindful of this. Use the Art deftly and efficiently, not carelessly and recklessly. Seek always to learn and create new magic.

Mr. Cheez-It


The Lord of Knowledge, Binder of What is Known
Symbol: Blank Scroll
Home Plane: House of Knowledge
Alignment: Neutral
Portfolio: Bards, inspiration, invention, knowledge
Worshipers: Artists, bards, cartographers, inventors, loremasters, sages, scholars, scribes, wizards.
Favored Weapon: "Mortal Strike" (longsword)

Cleric Alignments: Any
NwN Domains: Knowledge, Travel, Trickery, Luck, Charm

History/Relationships: Most Oghmanyte myths date to the earliest centuries of human existence. Some claim that Oghma gifted the world with written language, others that the Binder is responsible for all concepts. While such theological pedantry incites endless debate among the scholarly classes of Faerun, nearly everyone agrees that Oghma is ancient and has been widely worshiped since before the dawn of history. Together, Oghma, Denier, Milil, and Gond are known as the Deities of Knowledge and Invention. The Binder has a somewhat patronizing relationship with Deneir and Milil, whom he treats as his servants in the preservation and promulgation of knowledge. He appreciates Gond's enthusiasm and creativity but frowns at the Wonderbringer's constant desire to push technology further and further, putting innovation ahead of introspection. Oghma dislikes Mask, Cyric, and Bane, viewing them as the most credible threats to his beloved balance.

Dogma: Knowledge, particularly the raw knowledge of ideas, is supreme. An idea has no weight, but it can move mountains. The greatest gift of humankind, an idea outweighs anything made by mortal hands. Knowledge is power and must be used with care, but hiding it away from others is never a good thing. Stifle no new ideas, no matter how false and crazed they seem; rather, let them be heard and considered. Never slay a singer, nor stand by as others do so. Spread knowledge wherever it is prudent to do so. Curb and deny falsehoods, rumor, and deceitful tales whenever you encounter them. Write or copy lore of great value at least once a year and give it away. Sponsor and teach bards, scribes, and record keepers. Spread truth and knowledge so that all folk know more. Never deliver a message falsely or incompletely. Teach reading and writing to those who ask (if your time permits), and charge no fee for the teaching.

Mr. Cheez-It


Our Lady of Silver, the Moonmaiden
Symbol: Pair of female eyes surrounded by seven silver stars.
Home Plane: Gates of the Moon
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Portfolio: Good and neutral lycanthropes, moon, navigation, questers, stars, wanderers.
Worshipers: Female spellcasters, good and neutral lycanthropes, navigators, monks (Sun Soul), sailors
Favored Weapon: "The Rod of Four Moons" (heavy mace)

Cleric Alignments: CG, CN, NG
NwN Domains: Chaos, Good, Protection, Travel

History/Relationships: According to the oldest myths, Lord Ao created the universe that now holds the world of Toril. Through this act of creation, protoplasmic raw existence took the form of twin deities, Selune and Shar, birthed the heavenly bodies, in the process creating Chauntea as the animating spirit of the world of Toril. Chauntea begged the sisters to grant her world warmth and light that life might flourish upon it. Selune relented, igniting the sun with elemental fire. Shar, who treasured the primordial darkness and resented Chauntea's concept of life, lashed out at her sister, initiating a conflict that has endured to the present day. Enraged, the Lady of Loss snuffed out the lights of Selune, greatly weakening her in magical battle. Finally, the Moonmaiden tore a piece of her magical essence from herself and flung it at Shar. When the blast hit the Dark Deity, it ripped away some of her essence as well. From the meld of light and dark energies came Mystryl, a being of pure magic who went on to shepherd the Weave blanketing all Toril. Mystryl more closely identified with Selune, granting the Moonmaiden a powerful ally -- at terrible cost. Selune's magical onslaught cast Shar into the darkness for centuries and allowed warmth and light to grace Toril, but the assault wounded her to the core. Since then her power as waxed and waned with the passing of Epochs, while Shar, ever waiting to strike from the shadows, retains much of her ancient strength.

Selune's power seems to be on the rise. Prior to the Time of Troubles, her potency had ebbed to the point that she was a servitor to Sune Firehair. In the last decade, however, she has once again branched out on her own, forging new alliances in her eternal battle against her dark sister. Among her strongest allies in this cause is Mystra (the second deity to follow her ancient, long-dead friend as protector of the Weave), especially since Shar created the mysterious Shadow Weave, a force antithetical to Mystran doctrine. Lliira and Eilistraee share Selune's love of moonlit frolics. She respects Lathander's passion and hopes that by working together the two can cast destroying light upon Shar's ever-present darkness. Selune struggles with Umberlee over the fate of ships at sea, and with Mask over the evil he commits in the moonlight's dark shadows.

Dogma: Let all on whom Selune's light falls be welcome if they desire. As the silver moon waxes and wanes, so too does life. Trust in Selune's radiance, and know that all love alive under her light shall know her blessing. Turn to the moon, and she will be your true guide. Promote acceptance and tolerance. See all other beings as equals. Aid fellow Selunites as if they were your dearest friends.

Mr. Cheez-It


Mistress of the Night, Lady of Loss, Dark Goddess
Symbol: Black disk with deep purple border
Home Plane: Plane of Shadow
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Portfolio: Caverns, dark, dungeons, forgetfulness, loss, night, secrets, the Underdark
Worshipers: Anarchists, assassins, avengers, monks (Dark Moon), nihilists, rogues, shadow adepts, shadowdancers
Favored Weapon: "The Disk of Night" (chakram)

Cleric Alignments: CE, LE, NE
NwN Domains: Cavern, Darkness, Evil, Knowledge

History/Relationships: Shar's ceaseless battles against her bright sister have caused the creation and destruction of several deities throughout history. Though Selune strikes openly and forcefully against her twin at every opportunity, Shar prefers subversion, using her mortal worshipers to attack Selune's clergy and those things Selune holds dear, rather than at the deity herself. Still, she occasionally moves directly against minor enemies. During the Time of Troubles, Shar killed Ibrandul, a lesser deity of caverns, dungeons, and the Underdark, as an act of pure opportunism. Shar may attempt to consume Mask as well, for she nurses a cold anger for his dominion over shadow. Shar's love of dark spaces brings her into frequent conflict with deities of light and fire, and her desire to dominate the concept of revenge sets her against the ancient, dwindling power Hoar. Her only frequent ally is Talona, who may eventually serve Shar in return for the Dark Goddess's aid in murdering her hated enemy Loviatar.

Dogma: Reveal secrets only to fellow members of the faithful. Never follow hope or turn to promises of success. Quench the light of the moon (agents and items of Selune) whenever you find it, and hide from it when you cannot prevail. The dark is a time to act, not wait. It is forbidden to strive to better your lot in life or to plan ahead except when directly overseen by the faithful of the Dark Deity. Consorting with the faithful of good deities is a sin except in business dealings or to corrupt them from their beliefs. Obey ranking clergy unless it would result in your own death.

Mr. Cheez-It


Rider of the Winds, the Helping Hand
Symbol: A wind-walking bearded man in traveler's cape and boots
Home Plane: Gates of the Moon
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Portfolio: Travel, exploration, portals, miners, caravans
Worshipers: Explorers, caravaneers, rangers, portal-walkers, half-elves
Favored Weapon: "Sword of Shadows" (greatsword)

Cleric Alignments: CE, CG, CN
NwN Domains: Air, Chaos, Portal, Protection, Travel, Trade

History/Relationships: Shaundakul is an old deity, once an intermediate deity popular in the Moonsea, whose divine status predates the creation of Beshaba and Tymora from Tyche. Shaundakul's church collapsed and his followers dwindled in the aftermath of the fall of Myth Drannor, and he dwindled in status to the rank of demipower. Beshaba later used his name to promote discord among the nomads of Anauroch, who now curse him as the Treacherous Lurker in the Sands. Since the Time of Troubles, Shaundakul has risen back to the level of lesser power and allied himself with deities such as Akadi, Mielikki and her allies, Selune, Tymora, and the more daring members of the Seldarine. He opposes Shar because he dislikes secrets and enjoys spreading the word of hidden places. He battles with Beshaba for the suffering she has inflicted in his name.

Dogma: Spread the teachings of the Helping Hand by example. Work to promote him among traders, especially trailblazers who seek out new lands and new opportunities. Unearth and resanctify ancient shrines of Shaundakul. Ride the wind, and let it take you wherever it blows. Aid those in need, and trust in the Helping Hand. Seek out the riches of the earth and sea. Journey to distant horizons. Be the first to see the rising sun, the mountain peaks, the lush valleys. Let your footsteps fall where none have tread.

Mr. Cheez-It


Oak Father, the Forest Father, Treefather
Symbol: Green living oak leaf
Home Plane: House of Nature
Alignment: Neutral
Portfolio: Wild nature, druids
Worshipers: Druids, woodsmen, wood elves
Favored Weapon: "The Great Mallet of Silvanus" (maul)

Cleric Alignments: CN, LN, N, NE, NG
NwN Domains: Animal, Plant, Protection, Water, Renewal

History/Relationships: Like Oghma, Silvanus is an old deity with many ties to other planes. He is closely allied with Chauntea, and is served directly and indirectly by Eldath, Mielikki, Gwaeron Windstrom, Lurue, and Shiallia. He is bitterly opposed to the activities of Malar and his church, as the Beastlord is consumed with bloodlust and his followers would hunt every creature in existence to extinction if given leave. Likewise, although Silvanus recognizes the role that both disease and natural acts of destruction play in the Balance, the Oak Father hates both Talos and Talona, for both care nothing for the natural order and seek only to indulge their most destructive impulses.

Dogma: Silvanus sees and balances all, meting out wild water and drought, fire, and ice, life and death. Hold your distance and take in the total situation, rather than latching on to the popular idea of what is best. All is in cycle, deftly and beautifully balanced. It is the duty of the devout to see this cycle and the sacred Balance as clearly as possible. Make others see the Balance and work against those that would disturb it. Watch, anticipate, and quietly manipulate. Resort to violence and open confrontation only when pressured by time or hostile action. Fight against the felling of forests, banish disease wherever you find it, defend the trees, and plant new flora wherever possible. Seek out, serve, and befriend the dryads and learn their names. Kill only when needful, destroy fire and its employers, and beware orcs and others who bring axes into the forest.

Mr. Cheez-It


Firehair, Lady Firehair
Symbol: Face of a red-haired, ivory-skinned beautiful woman
Home Plane: Brightwater
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Portfolio: Beauty, Love, Passion
Worshipers: Lovers, artists, half-elves, adventurers
Favored Weapon: A silken sash (whip)

Cleric Alignments: CG, CN, NG
Has Paladins: Yes
NwN Domains: Chaos, Good, Protection, Charm

History/Relationships: Sune shares the waters of the Evergold, a sacred pool, with Hanali Celanil, the elven deity of beauty, and Sharess, the lusty feline temptress whom she rescued from Shar's shadow during the Time of Troubles. Sune is also allied with similarly minded deities such as Selune, Milil, and Lathander. Sune is served by Lliira and was once served by Selune, but the Moonmaiden has now once again gone her own way. Sune's nature makes it difficult for any being to be angry with her for long, and so she has no true enemies, although she dislikes Auril, Malar, Talos, Umberlee, Talona, and Tempus, for they are often responsible for the destruction of beautiful things. Tempus finds her dislike not worth reciprocating, since he considers her irrelevant, flighty, and not worth the conflict. Sune earned the enmity of Shar during the Time of Troubles, for the Nightmaiden did not appreciate being denied her conquest of Sharess, and so the Lady Firehair now quietly supports Mystra in her brewing battle with the Mistress of the Night.

Dogma: Beauty is more than skin deep. It issues from the core of one's being and reveals one's true face to the world, fair or foul. Believe in romance, as true love will win over all. Follow your heart to your true destination. Love none more than yourself except Sune, and lose yourself in love of the Lady Firehair. Perform a loving act each day, and seek to awaken love in others. Respond to love at least once in a day. Encourage beauty wherever you find it. Acquire beautiful items of all sorts, and encourage, sponsor, and protect those who create them. Keep your own body as comely as possible and as attractively displayed as situations warrant. Let hairstyle and clothing best suit your personal appearance, striving to stir and delight others who look upon you. Moreover, hide not away, but always seek to present yourself to those around you in a pleasing variety of garbs and activities so as to move them with love and desire. Love those who respond to your appearance, and let warm friendship and admiration flower where love cannot or dares not.

Mr. Cheez-It


The Destroyer, the Storm Lord
Symbol: An explosive lightning strike
Home Plane: Fury's Heart
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Portfolio: Storms, destruction, rebellion, conflagration, earthquakes, vortices
Worshipers: Those who fear the destructive power of nature, barbarians, fighters, druids, half-orcs
Favored Weapon: A lightning bolt (longspear, shortspear, or halfspear)

Cleric Alignments: CE, CN, NE
NwN Domains: Chaos, Destruction, Evil, Fire, Storm

History/Relationships: Talos was formed from the first battle between Selune and Shar. He is now the leader of the Deities of Fury: Auril, himself, Malar, and Umberlee. Although he has no compunction about usurping her portfolio, Talos has a close and cordial relationship with Auril. His relationship with Umberlee is simultaneously flirtatious and filled with rivalry. However, he only works with the Beastlord grudgingly, and Malar would kill him if he could. Talos has a history of elevating powerful mortals to divinity and then forcing them to deplete themselves in his service, the most recent of which was Velsharoon. Velsharoon has been more successful than most such demipowers elevated by Talos, in that he still survives and wisely shifted his nominal alliance to Mystra and Azuth. Talos tried to assume dominion over wild and destructive magic under the alias of Malyk, but was forestalled by Mystra and has since moved on to other brazen attempts to grab power. He hates deities that promote building, learning, and nature, and particularly hates those that would dare to alter the weather. His list of enemies include Chauntea, Eldath, Lathander, Mystra, Sune, Gond, Helm, Mielikki, Oghma, Shiallia, Silvanus, and Tyr.

Dogma: Life is a combination of random effects and chaos, so grab what you can when you can, because Talos may take you to the afterlife at any moment. Preach the might of Talos, and always warn others of the forces only he can command-- the fury of all Faerun. Walk unafraid in storms, forest fires, earthquakes, and other disasters, for the power of Talos protects you. Do so publicly whenever possible, so that others see that only Talos can protect them. Make others fear Talos by showing the destruction he and his servants can cause. To avoid tasting his fury, pray to him energetically and tell all folk that such observances-- and only such observances-- can protect them from the furies of gales, hailstorms, winds, floods, droughts, blizzards, hurricanes, and other natural dooms. Hurl such forces at one's foes if Talos deems a place or a person worth defending. One cannot afford to ignore Talos, but must bow down and worship him. Proclaim this message to all and show everyone the destruction even the slightest of the servants of Talos can cause.

Mr. Cheez-It

†Unresponsive (See Targus)

Lord of Battles, Foehammer
Symbol: A blazing silver sword on a blood-red shield
Home Plane: Warrior's Rest
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Portfolio: War, battle, warriors
Worshipers: Warriors, fighters, barbarians, rangers, half-orcs
Favored Weapon: "Battle Prowess" (battleaxe)

Cleric Alignments: CE, CG, CN
NwN Domains: Chaos, Protection, Strength, War

History/Relationships: Tempus arose from the first battle between Selune and Shar, one of many such war deities to walk the world. In time, he defeated each and every one of his rivals in battle, the last of which was Garagos the Reaver. Some oracles claim that in years to come Tempus may find himself at war with Anhur as the Faerunian and Mulhorandi pantheons clash and (inevitably) merge. In recent years, Tempus sponsored the divinity of the Red Knight, a relationship akin to that of a fond and protective father to a brilliant daughter who works hard at the family business-- war. The Foehammer is casually friendly with martially inclined deities such as Nobanion, Gond, Valkur, and Uthgar. He considers Eldath, his diametric opposite, to be naive and weak. However, out of respect of her convictions, he punishes those of his faithful who abuse her clergy, shrines, or temples, feeling that war has little meaning without peace to define and highlight it. Sune, who considers him a foe, he regards as irrelevant and flighty and therefore unworthy of active opposition. It is unclear why Tempus tolerates the continued survival of Garagos, although some sages have speculated that Tempus knows that a new challenger is inevitable and he prefers to use the Reaver as a stalking horse to draw out such potential foes. Others claim that Garagos represents that one bit of warfare that Tempus finds personally distasteful, the savage madness of a battle rage, and that he deliberately ceded that aspect of the portfolio of war, though he is still worshiped by many barbarians.

Dogma: Tempus does not win battles, he helps the deserving warrior win battles. War is fair in that it oppresses and aids all equally and that in any given battle, a mortal may be slain or become a great leader among his or her companions. It should not be feared, but seen as natural force, a human force, the storm that civilization brings by its very existence. Arm all for whom battle is needful, even foes. Retreat from hopeless fights but never avoid battle. Slay one foe decisively and halt a battle quickly rather then rely upon slow attrition or the senseless dragging on of hostilities. Remember the dead that fell before you. Defend what you believe in, lest it be swept away. Disparage no foe and respect all, for valor blazes in all regardless of age, sex, or race. Tempus looks with favor upon those that acquit themselves honorably in battle without resorting to such craven tricks as destroying homes, family, or livestock when a foe is away or attacking from the rear (except when such an attack is launched by a small band against foes of vastly superior numbers). Consider the consequences of the violence of war, and do not wage war recklessly. The smooth-tongued and fleet of feet that avoid all strife and never defend their beliefs wreak more harm than the most energetic tyrant, raider, or horde leader.

Mr. Cheez-It


The True, the True Deity, the Loyal Fury
Symbol: Right-hand gauntlet held upright with palm forward
Home Plane: House of the Triad
Alignment: Lawful Good
Portfolio: Duty, loyalty, obedience, paladins
Worshipers: Paladins, heroes, good fighters and warriors, guardians, knights, loyal courtiers
Favored Weapon: "Duty's Bond" (greatsword)

Cleric Alignments: LG, LN, NG
NwN Domains: Good, Healing, Law, Protection, Strength

History/Relationships: Torm serves Tyr as war leader and champion, as he once did for a mortal monarch in the days immediately following the Fall of Netheril. Scholars disagree on where Torm's kingdom was located, or even what it was called, but the most believable theories place it somewhere south of the Lake of Steam, in the area now known as the Border Kingdoms. Whole knightly orders in service to Torm's church seek the location of this kingdom, which the clerics refer to as the High Seat, or Chalsembyr. They hope that discovering the location might give them more insight into Torm's life as a mortal, one of the few subjects about which he absolutely refuses to enlighten his followers. Some interpret his reticence as a game, as if Torm keeps Chalsembyr's location a secret in order to test his faithful, who routinely go on quests to locate it. Lore of the faith holds that he who discovers the whereabouts of the Loyal Fury's mortal home will be raised up to the celestial planes as Torm's divine servant.

Prior to the Time of Troubles, Torm served Tyr as a loyal demipower. After his resurrection at the hands of Ao, the maimed deity elevated him to lesser deity status, and greatly enhanced his duties, granting him control of several armies of celestial warriors to use in outer planar conflicts. Torm, Tyr and Ilmater work together frequently, and are known as the Triad. At Tyr's insistence, Torm has of late befriended the Red Knight in an attempt to temper her lust for war with an appreciation for justice. His kinship for Helm dates back several centuries, though the clergies of the Loyal Fury and the Watcher currently find themselves at odds on several important ideological and political issues. As a pro-active enemy of evil, Torm finds that his ideals and philosophies often square with those of Lathander, whom he greatly respects.

After destroying Bane, Torm turned most of his attentions to Cyric, working with Mystra, Oghma, and Mask in dethroning the Black Sun from his position as Lord of the Dead. He deeply regrets not destroying Cyric in that instance, and has vowed to remedy that regret should the two deities meet again. Torm found the alliance with Mask distasteful, and hopes to force the Lord of Shadows to reform himself by thwarting his plans as often as possible. Since the return of the Black Hand, however, the bulk of Torm's ambition and planning has gone toward defeating the dark intrigues of Bane.

Dogma: Salvation may be found through service. Every failure of duty diminishes Torm and every success adds to his luster. Strive to maintain law and order. Obey your masters with alert judgment and anticipation. Stand every alert against corruption. Strike quickly and forcefully against rot in the hearts of mortals. Bring painful, quick death to traitors. Question unjust laws by suggesting improvement or alternatives, not additional laws. Your fourfold duties are to faith, family, masters, and all good beings of Faerun.

Mr. Cheez-It

†Unresponsive (see Tyche)

Lady Luck, the Lady Who Smiles, Our Smiling Lady
Symbol: Silver coin featuring Tymora's face surrounded by shamrocks
Home Plane: Brightwater
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Portfolio: Good, fortune, skill, victory, adventurers
Worshipers: Rogues, gamblers, adventurers, Harpers, lightfoot halflings
Favored Weapon: A spinning coin (shuriken)

Cleric Alignments: CG, CN, NG
NwN Domains: Chaos, Good, Protection, Travel, Luck

History/Relationships: Prior to the Dawn Cataclysm, a single deity, Tyche, controlled both good and bad luck. A fickle deity whose attention just as often brought calamity as calm, Tyche wandered through her existence controlled only by her whims, seldom concerning herself with anything or anyone for more than a moment. As luck would have it, the amorous deity found herself embroiled in the war between deities initiated by Lathander, who attempted to restructure the Faerunian pantheon according to his own sense of propriety. Deciding quickly that her paramour had become altogether too serious, Tyche kissed the Morninglord with misfortune and left him to his fate.

During her travels, she came upon a beautiful rose, which she attempted to pluck from the earth. Curiously, the flower would not budge, so she cursed it with bad luck, whereupon its stem broke and it fell to the ground. Thinking little of the incident, she placed the rose in her hair and continued her roaming, oblivious to a dangerous corruption on her very person. The rose had been an aspect of Moander, deity of rot and decay. In short order, Moander worked its corruption into Tyche's ear, eagerly draining the deity's lifeforce and withering her form within. When she finally returned home, the oblivious Tyche came upon her friends Lathander and Selune, as well as Azuth, who had been warned of Moander's attack through consultation with the Pale Tesseract. Before the disgusting creature that had once been Tyche could greet her former companions, Selune lashed out with a bolt of purifying light. Tyche's form split right down the middle, and from the husk emerged a completely new deity.

A bright, somewhat smaller version of Tyche arose first, looking upon the three deities with a bemused expression of confused recognition, as if she had known these figures in dreams even if they had never met. Bold, beautiful Beshaba was second to arise.

After a brief battle in which the good and evil aspects of the fallen Tyche nearly destroyed each other if not for the combined effort of Azuth, Lathander, and Selune, Beshaba cursed the four deities, decrying them as murderers and luckless villains unworthy of both her presence and her good will. Swearing to bedevil their followers with ill fortune for eternity, the Maid of Misfortune left the assembly in a torrent of acrid smoke and foul language. The newly born deity, Tymora, simply shrugged, a small frown her only display of emotion.

Since that day, Tymora and Beshaba have continued their struggle. For Beshaba, their battle is one of wholehearted destruction. Tymora, for her part, seeks to stave off the Maid of Misfortune's depredations, occasionally punishing her cruel ambition with a particularly choice humiliation.

Though it would not be fair to call Tymora cruel, she does delight in practical jokes, often attempting to bring good humor to stern deities such as Helm and Tyr through the careful application of gentle teasing and playful trickery. Though she inherited all the good qualities of her progenitor, she also retains much of Tyche's fickleness-- she's seduced dozens of deities and countless mortals, seldom staying with a single paramour for more than a year or two. She shares a somewhat casual, long-running romance with the halfling deity Brandobaris, whose passion for daring-do and ribald shenanigans rivals her own.

Dogma: One should be bold, for to be bold is to live. A brave heart and a willingness to take risks beat out a carefully wrought plan nine times out of ten. Place yourself in the hands of fate and trust to your own luck. Bear and conduct yourselves as your own masters, showing your good or bad fortune as confidence in the lady. Chase your own unique goals, and the Lady aids the chase. Without direction or goals, you soon know the embrace of Beshaba, for those on no set course are at the mercy of misfortune, which has no mercy at all.

Mr. Cheez-It


The Even-Handed, the Maimed God, the Just God
Symbol: Balanced scales resting on a warhammer
Home Plane: House of the Triad
Alignment: Lawful Good
Portfolio: Justice
Worshipers: Paladins, judges, magistrates, lawyers, police, the oppressed
Favored Weapon: "Justicar" (longsword)

Cleric Alignments: LG, LN, NG
NwN Domains: Good, Knowledge, Law, War, Retribution

History/Relationships: Tyr came to Toril in -247 DR in an event known as the Procession of Justice. Bursting from a gate near modern-day Alaghon in Turmish, he led a force of 200 archons across the Vilhon Reach in an effort to pacify the remnants of ancient Jhaamdath, which had fallen to lawlessness and brigandage following the empire's destruction at the hands of its elven enemies. In the ensuing battle, Tyr's host slew Valigan Thirdborn, a lesser deity of anarchy whose rise in -269 DR directly coincided with the ascendance of the bloodthirsty Exarch Thelasand IV, who spurred the Emperor into greater conflict with the elves.

Tyr's actions and sacrifices during the Procession (which lasted until -238 DR) attracted the attention of the previously obscure Ilmater, who joined forces with Tyr in -243 DR. Years later, long after the Procession had ended with most of Tyr's servants banished or killed and the deity himself taking interest in Toril at large at the expense of his initial, highly targeted campaign, Torm joined up as the Just God's war leader. Together with Ilmater, the deities became known as the Triad, by which they are still referred to this day.

Over the more than 1,600 years since his arrival, Tyr has expanded his dominance over the whole of Faerun-- few are those who do not know his name or the enthusiastic ideals he represents. His is a civilizing voice, urging the construction of moral and legal codes and the administration of fair justice for sentient creatures in every land. In this regard he is both progressive and regressive, representing a force for cultural development in lands with corrupt or no legal systems and representing a stern defense of the status quo in nations with well-established codes of law.

Tyr's relatively short time on Toril has gained him a host of enemies. He fiercely opposes deities dedicated to tyranny, evil, or lawlessness, and bears particular enmity toward, Bane, Cyric, Mask, Talona, and Talos.

Dogma: Reveal the truth, punish the guilty, right the wrong, and always be true and just in your actions. Uphold the law wherever you go and punish those who do wrong under the law. Keep a record of your own rulings, deeds, and decisions, for through this your errors can be corrected, your grasp on the laws of all lands will flourish, and your ability to identify lawbreakers will expand. Be vigilant in your observations and anticipations so you may detect those who plan injustices before their actions threaten law and order. Deliver vengeance to the guilty for those who cannot do it themselves.

Mr. Cheez-It


The Bitch Queen, Queen of the Depths
Symbol: Blue-green wave curling left and right
Home Plane: Fury's Heart
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Portfolio: Oceans, currents, waves, sea winds
Worshipers: Sailors, weresharks, sentient sea creatures, coastal dwellers
Favored Weapon: "Drowning Death" (trident) or jellyfish (trident)

Cleric Alignments: CE, CN, NE
NwN Domains: Chaos, Destruction, Evil, Water, Sea Caves, Storm

History/Relationships: Umberlee is one of the Gods of Fury. She serves Talos, along with Auril and Malar. Talos has been encroaching upon her portfolio, and since she lacks the strength to fight him, Umberlee has been trying to distract him with romantic intrigues. She fights Selune and Valkur (to whom sailors pray to bring them home safely), Chauntea (for her dominion over land), and Sune (whose beauty she envies).

Dogma: The sea is a savage place, and those that travel it had best be willing to pay the price of challenging Umberlee's domain. All should know the Bitch Queen and fear her, for the wind and the wave can reach everywhere if sufficiently angered. Fair offerings bring fair winds to sea travelers, but those that do not pay their respects will find that the sea is as cold as Umberlee's heart. Spread the word of the might of Umberlee, and let no service be done in her name without a price. Make folk hear the wind and wave unless a cleric of Umberlee is there to protect them. Slay those who ascribe sea and shore storms to Talos.

Mr. Cheez-It


Father of the Uthgardt, Battle Father
Symbol: That of the individual beast totem spirit
Home Plane: Warrior's Rest
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Portfolio: Uthgardt barbarian tribes, physical strength
Worshipers: The Uthgardt tribes, barbarians
Favored Weapon: Appropriate beast totem spirit (battleaxe)

Cleric Alignments: CE, CG, CN, N, NG
NwN Domains: Animal, Chaos, Strength, War, Retribution

History/Relationships: Uthgar was once a mortal Northlander from Ruathym named Uther Gardolfsson, brother to Morgred (the "Morgur" of Morgur's Mound), who gained fame by invading the fabled realm of Illusk before moving into the northern interior. There, his followers united with Netherese refuges who had reverted to a primitive way of life to form a dynasty of barbarians, the Uthgardt. As he lay dying of wounds received in battle with Gurt, Lord of the Frost Giants, Uthgar was raised up as a demipower by Tempus, who admired his fighting spirit. Uthgar counts only the Lord of Battles as an ally. The Father of the Uthgardt dislikes Helm, Ilmater, Torm, and Tyr, for they have stolen away the devotion of all but one cleric of the Black Lion tribe. He holds Malar responsible for the destruction of the Blue Bear tribe (a fragment of which survives as the new Tree Ghost tribe), and he hates Auril for turning the Elk tribe away from his worship. Other than enmities stemming from encroachment upon his followers, Uthgar holds himself aloof, unconcerned with divine politics and struggles.

Dogma: The dogma of the Uthgardt religion varies slightly from tribe to tribe as each beast cult emphasizes different "barbarian" virtues. In general, shamans are charged as follows when they are initiated into the Uthgardt faith: Strength is everything. Civilization is weakness. Men should fight, hunt, and raid from the weak to provide for their wives and families. Family is sacred, and its bonds are not cast aside lightly. Arcane magic is effete, self-indulgent, and ultimately leads to weakness. Reliance upon arcane magic is an evil and false path that leads to death and ruin. Revere Uthgar, your ancestors, and your tribe's spirit. Study the beast so that you know its virtues and its weaknesses; claim its virtues as your own and weed its weaknesses from your spirit. The beast holds wisdom and raw power that you can make your own. Make the others of your tribe fear and respect your power and knowledge so they heed the wise words of your ancestors speak through you to them.

Mr. Cheez-It


Merchant's Friend
Symbol: Gold coin with Waukeen's profile facing left
Home Plane: Brightwater
Alignment: Neutral
Portfolio: Trade, Money, Wealth
Worshipers: Merchants, traders, the wealthy, rogues (those who learn the thiefly art in order to fight thieves)
Favored Weapon: Cloud of coins (nunchaku)

Cleric Alignments: CN, LN, N, NE, NG
NwN Domains: Knowledge, Protection, Travel, Trade

History/Relationships: At the Time of Troubles Waukeen was still a relatively young deity with few enemies other than Mask, whose portfolio was naturally opposed to hers. As such, it was quite unexpected that Waukeen was never seen during the Time of Troubles and never reclaimed her mantle following its conclusion. The truth behind her disappearance is that she conspired with Lliira to leave her divine mantle behind and escape to the Astral Plane with the aid of a deity from another world. Once on the Astral Plane, she intended to make her way back to her realm via the Abyss through the purchased aid of the demon lord Graz'zt. However, Graz'zt betrayed her, making her his prisoner, and it was not until she was rescued by daring adventurers in 1371 DR that she regained her divinity. Waukeen has since revitalized and reassured her worshipers of her existence and her restored divine power. She is very closely allied with Lliira (who held her portfolio in trust while she was imprisoned), Gond (whose inventions she appreciates), and Shaundakul (whose portfolio complements hers). Aside from Mask, her only true enemy is Graz'zt, against whom she has sworn her eventual revenge.

Dogma: Mercantile trade is the best road to enrichment. Increasing the general prosperity buys ever greater civilization and happiness for intelligent folk worldwide, bringing people closer to the golden age that lies ahead. Destroy no trade goods, raise no restrictions to trade, and propagate no malicious rumors that could harm someone's commerce. Challenge and refute unproven rumors that could negatively impact trade when heard. Give money freely to beggars and businesses, for the more coin everyone has, the greater the urge to spend and trade rather then hoard. To worship Waukeen is to know wealth. To guard your funds is to venerate her, and to share them well seeds your future success. Call on her in trade, and she will guide you in wise commerce. The bold find gold, the careful keep it, and the timid yield it up.