
Started by DangerousDan, December 20, 2008, 02:07:14 PM

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It's all in the title really. Anyone have any thoughts, feelings, ideas, musings they wish to share with the DM Team, especially with regards to recent developments. Feel free to be candid, and I'm certain my colleagues and I will feel free to ignore whatever this blatant and cynical attempt at public relations spawns.
i walked one morning to the fair

Winston Martin

More efu weddings and wedding related bombings.


I think it's amazing the difference having a DM on the server does for player count + plotting. The recent developments have been good. There is a serious DM plot going on now, though I am not sure how many people know the details to understand it as such, so perhaps at some point a bit of the curtain could be pulled away. My big advice is: Keep it up! Keep logging in as DMs.


I'm just writing ideas as they come.

Concerning town militias: i'm still confused between stygians, armada, colonial watch... all the same to me. I'm discussing with a guard, and he doesn't know who's his chief. Is it the governor, Dog-head, that noble house from old port... dunno. What makes a person a citizen? i get the "citizen stone answer" expect it's no UD anymore, it's no town hall giving out stone but some guy who's found statuettes. Dunno.

Concerning plots. The only plot i see is suddenly orcs coming into our lives. That's because i don't get involved much, but yes, "lifting a little bit of the curtain" would certainly be nice. The only times i see Stygians is when they round up their team to quest. Armada i don't think i've met. Malatesta i don't see anymore.

Are there any other factions excpet the local guard? I know OOC there are (should be?), but my PCs have no idea, even my first 'involved' pc, Pwa.

Concerning DM events: the Old port tourney was grand, but much too long imo. The arena area i had difficulty to view and kept reajusting camera view. I realize the effort put into this event, so please to take that criticism badly.

Concerning good/evil balance. Are all good characters in hiding? Or are there no more good characters or faction except the few ones that raise lvl, get challenged by local high lvl bully, and die? On the other hand, so many druids have appeared it's weird.

Concerning PC interaction, it seems to revolve around 'you're banite, bad' vs. 'you're against the local government, exiled or dueled to death'.

Concerning builders: there was a lot of enthousiasm for factions to try to get something built (ex: dwarves under fignar), but now that enthousiasm seems stalled.

Concerning clergy: i don't see them. Most (not all) clerics play buffers, not clerics, imo. No temple developpement since Amaunotor (server beginning!) that i noticed (i'm not omniscient, but i do log on a lot). App only clerics for some time, imo.

Concerning player attitude: i've made alt under another log, and it's hard to get player attention when you play 'newbye'. Either people quest (and prefer small parties), or factions seem stale (except watch recruitement). I felt it was much more easy to get involved some time ago.

So, basically, i still stand on 'great things are going to happen'. I've enough trust for the DM team to be patient. What worries me on that part is i've seen only about 3 active dms (Mort, Dan, Nuke) for a while, when i know there's supposed to be much more.

I'm also concerned about the player count seemingly going down.

Rereading this post i realize how negative it is. Funny thing is i really enjoy EfUA; I must be in a bad mood today, regards to my health. Best i stop writing here.


Stygians and the Armada are the same people. AKA, the Stygian Armada.


QuoteConcerning town militias: i'm still confused between stygians, armada, colonial watch... all the same to me. I'm discussing with a guard, and he doesn't know who's his chief. Is it the governor, Dog-head, that noble house from old port... dunno. What makes a person a citizen? i get the "citizen stone answer" expect it's no UD anymore, it's no town hall giving out stone but some guy who's found statuettes. Dunno.

Concerning plots. The only plot i see is suddenly orcs coming into our lives. That's because i don't get involved much, but yes, "lifting a little bit of the curtain" would certainly be nice. The only times i see Stygians is when they round up their team to quest. Armada i don't think i've met. Malatesta i don't see anymore.

Are there any other factions excpet the local guard? I know OOC there are (should be?), but my PCs have no idea, even my first 'involved' pc, Pwa.

Concerning DM events: the Old port tourney was grand, but much too long imo. The arena area i had difficulty to view and kept reajusting camera view. I realize the effort put into this event, so please to take that criticism badly.

So, basically, i still stand on 'great things are going to happen'. I've enough trust for the DM team to be patient. What worries me on that part is i've seen only about 3 active dms (Mort, Dan, Nuke) for a while, when i know there's supposed to be much more.

Above is the feedback that's relevant to us (DMs).

The rest is more player-concerned and our expectations have been stated many times in the new player forum or the "Rock my socks off post" that I dont bother to comment here. The only thing I can say is to change yourself, and hope to be a positive example to newer players and other players as well.


The event last night was extremely cool. Never seen that side of efu before. Very cool and Im glad I was apart of it.


I'm not sure the IC contention about guards obeying Fyoris/Ortred/Court members is something that DMs need to address, although it's definitely something you can exploit for fun plottage. In fact, regarding certain IC posts we have (from you!) about this very subject, it seems like something you wanted.

Huge kudos (to Dan?) for making a new faction crawl out of seemingly nowhere while looking badass about it, instead of just an ass(pull). Anyone who was there when they showed up should agree, or GTFO. I might understand that other players, who missed it, might not like the "out of nowhere" part, but this server never sleeps.

This is a massive event. Stuff has been happening all week, with hours of DMing at a time. The thing I hope most is that when it reaches a kind of "resolution" that you don't just plunge into another giant plot (you're not super-DMs!) but that you don't fall off the face of the earth, either. It's great to see you didn't all die during finals/whatever real-life thing stole you away from us. :-D


I pretty much disagree with everything Letsplayforgold said.

As far as feedback goes, keep up the excellent work. Anyone with only a rudimentary knowledge of recent events must appreciate that the DMs are making a sincere effort at creating a new and exciting atmosphere for the players; the dramatic introduction of a new DM faction simply the beginning it seems. From the player perspective, exciting times approach.


I can't agree with much that Letsplayforfun said! I am really enjoying the server at the moment and have very little in the way of criticism to give.


Massive events = Awesome.

Currently the orc invasion is the big thing, for obvious reasons. I love it, and I love everything that has been connected to it. All the recent events have been great and the emergence of the new faction is also cool. While the good vs. evil thing is a player issue, it is nice to have a backing incentive to playing good.

I can't say exactly how close an eye other plots have been watched by the DM's but as long as you guys keep aiding how you can with other small ones when not bringing the awesome with the main, you guys are doing superbly.

You guys are working pretty hard and I have all the respect for you guys (of course I shall still nag you). As Scotty said, a semi-resolution would be nice where the immediate threat is somehow avoided for a bit but still there is lingering danger at a smaller level. Also, I know it seems that some people have stopped (or just by appearance) but I do hope dms will keep giving out small plot clues, items, etc. that allow the players to pursue something. This something can be big since the players will have to keep busy working and having fun or just something very creative makes a small but significant change to things.


To clarify, I don't mean that I want the plot to slow down any, but rather, my suggestion was for when it does reach its end, that a balance of "taking it easy" and "still here" can be found.


Lately I have seen more quest spicing, a new area added for explorers, one area destroyed by pcs, the new Order faction arriving, more stuff for the older factions to do, and of course the orc raids which may or may not have other forces instigating them.
These are all good things that make the server feel a lot more lively.


More Aussie Timezone events IMO. :)

A few weeks ago I was honestly feeling disheartened and like the server was dying due to lack of attention. But this week especially has been amazing. So much going on every day! Really revitalizing.

Keep up all the good work. I'm pleased with the way factions have been heading and I'm happy to see a lot of people logging on again.

Aldrick Tanith

I think ScottyB pretty much covered everything I would say, and any other criticisms I would have would directly be a result of me as a player.  

Primarily, I have so much stuff to do, my time is limited and I'm spread thin.  I can list at least "Five Major Threats That Will Destroy Us All!", and working to protect the colony from them, combined with involvement in multiple factions plus leading a faction, plus the need to pay various IC bills... that has me ICly and OOCly spread thin.

On the bright side, I am enjoying myself!