Saint Mororn Glaemril, of Ymph

Started by LiAlH4, October 24, 2011, 05:04:58 AM

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Mororn follows on the heels of old Thane Dalgad Garete, whose mounds of potions and miscellaneous items made inventory management a horror amongst horrors. Early in that Dwarf's career I decided that whatever I did next would never have so much random crap for me to keep track of. Thus was my earliest conception of Mororn's character. :)


As a babe, Mororn was found by a group of traveling pilgrims making their way to Damara. They named him "Glaemril" after the river they had just crossed in Deepingdale. Raised as a monk in the Monastery of the Yellow Rose, his life was a cloistered one, spaced only with diplomatic missions and a few rides through the countryside with the Ilmateri Order of the Golden Cup. After the turmoil of the Godswar, Mororn at last retired in a small chapel in Deepingdale to preach the Faith. Just a few years later, as he was tending his chrysanthemums, Mororn was taken by a strange portal and found himself atop the Ziggurat with naught but a staff and his characteristic gray robes.

Mororn was one of the Disciples of St. Sollars, whose order is based in the Monastery of the Yellow Rose. As such, I included with his original application a set of vows which were associated with his faith. They are abbreviated here:[LIST=1]
  • Mororn may never have more than 50 ducats of his own currency. Any  excess must be given up to the church or other faithful as swiftly as  possible. This precludes buying valuable magic items or otherwise  engaging in trade.
  • Mororn may never own or possess much more than robes, basic  equipment, and a staff and sling. "Basic Equipment" constitutes no more  than 2 of each non-healing potion and 5 of each healing potion,  medicinal herbs, and healing-related tools along with bedroll and oil.  Regardless of this, he may NEVER have more than three inventory sheets  filled (with allowances for gathering during quests andthe like) before the use of bags. Anything more must be given to charity.
  • Mororn in all other ways must strive to behave as a Paladin of  Ilmater, insomuch as is possible for him without having access to Detect  Evil. This precludes traveling with individuals he knows by extention  to be evil (having been pointed out by a Paladin of Ilmater). To note,  this does not preclude attempting to save their souls which he will  certainly aim to do.
A fourth vow was added soon after his creation, which was approximated to: "Aspire in all circumstances to follow the Path of Peace. Strike not ever in what is not self-defense". The first vow DID permit him to hold in trust coin that was not his but was put toward the betterment of the poor or the church.

There was another aspect of Mororn's faith which most people never had the opportunity to observe: he was a flagellate. Given to the belief that suffering was a defined, finite quality, any suffering he bore willingly would ease the burdens of others who are in pain.


On Ymph, it was my objective to get Mororn martyred by some means. Yet despite my best efforts (and those of BigOrcMan) he somehow survived some of the most ridiculous situations through incredible luck! Whether it was the DC 28 Fort Save-or-Die, the DC 30 Will Save-or-Die, or stabilizing at -8 and bleeding against Johnny Bloodyfingers (twice), Ilmater and Tymora had their eyes on the old man. At the last, however, the Rubies got the better of him. He earned his Martyrdom in defense of the innocents he knew and loved, standing for the town which he sought to lead down the Righteous Path he espoused.

Mororn had a long run. Long enough, in fact, that listing all of the PCs who made an impact on him would probably end up making this even more of a wall-of-text. Thank you to the ENTIRE Brotherhood of Mercy, the Wyrm Watchers, Giuseppe Mastro, the Shining Hammer Society, the Order, and last but not least Harlock Seaver.


The old man finally earned his rest at Ilmater's side, wreathed in honors he did not seek in life as the Patron Saint of Ymph. Thank you, EFU:M - you made him great. :)

Screenshots to follow!


This recalls an event that almost gave Mororn a quick end. He was nearly killed by a set of bombs set by a half-orc Musterman named Radcliffe; in the aftermath, Carmak the Tormtar put him to death against Mororn's wishes. What follows here is Carmak's subsequent exile despite the very vocal protestations of Annette DuClaude.

Walking through the Old Stones with an old friend.

Mororn was called the "Heresiarch" by the Order! They said, "We will destroy the heretics!" to which Mororn responded, "No, Order Numinous, you are the heretics" then the Order worshiped the Mist. :)

He even debated Nethzerim himself! The beginning:

Sadly, old Nethzerim must have taken offense to Mororn calling him out on ad hominem.

A long, brutal quest where we fought minotaur after minotaur after minotaur. It ended, I believe, with a 30 minute chase as we desperately sought to avoid murder being done upon us at the hands of the MINOTAUR KING!

Mororn was the unfortunate recipient of an abberant shard which was planted in his body following the escapades of the Shining Hammer Society and their love for SCIENCE! Naturally, Mororn had to be taken out and learn the details so he could repeat the procedure! It turned out to be rather dangerous:

The summary of Mororn's uncanny ability to not die:

Comforting a few souls in the fugue.

Calling forth Trumpet Archons in a last-ditch effort to save Drado Underbridge from being cooked and eaten by the lizardfolk!

Trying to help a group of unfortunate, idiotic alchemists in their escapade into the Abyss. Demon-chickens are horrifying to behold, as derfo pointed out.

Exploring the Sunken Enclave!

The Diluvian City!

An early quest and a dream deep within the Mists in a cave beneath H'bala's lands. An insight through a dream into the history of Sanctuary. Present is Mororn's Benefactor, old Waukeenar Giuseppe Mastro! Aren't we all glad he turned out to be a nice guy and great mayor? ;)

Swearing an individual into the ranks of the Brotherhood of Mercy, an originally Ilmateri faction which flourished when the ranks were opened up to all 'goodly' faiths. The swearing-in got much more involved after I realized I could have Mororn's summons talk through "/v s".

The Word of the Heavens:

An assembly of the Elders of Mistlocke, to finally choose a Warlord who would actually do something. :P

Now, a few items of loot! "Thus the Tears of St. Frederick, shed for the Salvation of those who Suffer"

Mororn was indeed a flagellate! Nail-boots were his preferred means of self-mutilation (until I got my hands on flame strike), which is why he was always seen leaning upon his staff.

As for his robes... they were obtained in another near-death venture against old Johnny Bloodyfingers! It very much aided the no-dicipline, 10 STR, 10 DEX, 10 CON cleric through his trials in combat.

Admiral Caspury brought low!

Nearly his final moments:

A place of rest, having earned his Good (100), Lawful (100) alignment.

Final words.

The End. Thank you everyone, I hope you enjoyed it. :)


Amazing work. Even if my characters didn't get a chance to meet or get to know him personally, his impact on the server in both atmosphere, environment, and populace was clearly apparent.


The pinnacle of an Ilmater cleric, if you ask me. Great job!


A wonderful tale and a bit of a shame I was never closely involved in any of his works!
'Even life eternal is not time enough to see, all the folly and despair of poor Humanity.' - [url=]To Life - A Shoggoth on the Roof[/url]

It is through Art, and through Art only, that we can realise our perfection.


Somewhere in a dark cave on Ymph, fighting for his very survival against the Hoardes of H'bala, Carmak Rhektar is still cursing the name Mororn Glameril for staying his hand in executing Johnny Bloodfingers

[11:23 PM] Howlando: Feel free LealWG
[11:23 PM] Howlando: I'll give you a high five + fist bump tip

[1:34 AM] BigOrcMan: RwG, a moment on the lips, forever on the hips

Big Orc Man

Basically everything a cleric should be.


Yo, Saint Frederick the Penitent, I'm really happy for you. Imma let you finish, but Mororn Glaemril is one of the best clerics of all times. Of all times.


Mororn's raised the bar for clerics all over EfU:M. My hat, I take it off to you.


What an amazing PC :D

Saul continues to cry like a baby! :( Master..... Master.... *sob*

Spiffy Has

Marry me and have my gay children


Well done. Mathal was down for Mororn, even when converted.


I think I told you once or twice - this character was really something special.

Probably one of my favorite clerics/characters ever.


Divine Intervention

I have an enormous respect for you playing this character consistently well and in keeping with his ideal throughout.  You did everything a true cleric should and played a thoroughly impressive pc.  Well played.