Design a Monster ( or more) Contest!

Started by Mort, August 04, 2011, 12:05:22 AM

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Design a monster! If I like your idea, not only will it be stolen to be put in the gameworld, I'll run you a little quest to reward you! Submissions should be made in the following format (see below) in this post.


Monster Name:
Monster Description:
Monster Abilities:
Monster Appearance:
Region: The Desert / The Mountain / Underground / Forest / Bog / etc.
Extra Comments:

Spiffy Has


Quote from: Mort;253541Submissions should be made in the following format (see above) in this post.


Monster Name: Terror of the Streams

Monster Description: This freshwater shark is no ordinary shark, it seems to be magically experimented on to make it both ghostly and fading. It swims along rivers and lakes, Terrorizing and brave children willing to go swimming. The Withering effects everybody, including sharks... This shark in particular seems to be fully undead, and withered.

Monster Abilities: Shadow Dancer, Fear Aura, Wounding Abilities, Concealment

Monster Appearance: A undead shark, that has the Improved invisibility effect on it

Region: The Desert / The Mountain / Underground / Forest / Bog / etc.(Streams & Lakes)

Extra Comments: The wizard, Elphian Sventall was experimenting with different animals of water decent, and one day saw a shark, and thought it to be odd that a shark swam in fresh waters, so he captured it. For months he experimented on it, making it more powerful and fast and a particular blood lust. All the basic stuff came to just make him stronger, not special. So he decided to experiment with his concealment. And that came back to bite him, literally. The Terror of the Streams, fully powered and concealed, he disappeared and killed his creator.. and now roams the streams and lakes, claiming the lives of any unsuspecting victim.


Monster Name:
-Withered monstrosity -

Monster Description:In appearance it looks like a halfbreed between a green Slaad and hulking Treant.

Monster Abilities:

Slow moving this wierd creations strength comes not from the physical blow it lands on its victims, but the fact on the end of its grotesque claws are tiny eggs. Should the character become inflicted they will continue to spew lesser versions of the beast until the curse liek disease is lifted

Monster Appearance:

 Large slaad model, with barskin and tanglebag added

Region: Forest / Bog

Extra Comments:

A twisted creation of H'bala designed to spread itself through the use of host bodies. It's not uncommon for half rotten corpses to be found with numerous limbs half ripped to shreds from the inside out.

Knight Of Pentacles

Monster Name: Munt's Mechanical Mutts

Monster Description
:  These rusty and ragged "animatrons" have been clearly designed by Murdertown's finest blacksmith, Drogus Munt.  (Atleast one can assume by the glorious handiwork).  They creak and rumble endlessly and glow a deep purple.  Fashioned in the shape of a hound these animatrons are found accompanying the sentries of the Governor's isle and in and around the Poor House.  

Monster Abilities
: Howl, Bane.  1/5 DR.  Construct template.  Low AC.

Monster Appearance
: Appear as though a crude large dog but made of crusty and ruined metal parts.  They're powered by the Psychopomp using the dark magics of the Mad God (hence their purple glow).  ((Wolf + constant stoneskin VFX and purple glow and a construct-ish voiceset))

: Murdertown and accompanying the Psychopomps men on Freedom Raids.

Extra Comments:  

Spiffy Has


Monster Name: Agony spawn
Monster Description: "Small imitations of the Agony of the Hunt, these shrieking corpses howl for their own destruction and almost always herald the arrival of the Agony itself."
Monster Abilities: Howl- Fear, Stun, Paralysis, sonic dmg. Considerable HP and DR, low AC
Monster Appearance: Shrunken Demonspawn Golem
Region: Withered Lands, Near the Agony of the Hunt
Extra Comments:


Monster Name
: Ymphian Quagmire Toad

Monster Description: This larger predatory amphibian was scarcely seen above ground, and a great rarity, even amongst the best of herpetologists.

Upon closer inspection, it lacks actual eyes, as if accustomed to perpetual darkness beneath the earth, akin to a bat. Strangely it bears razor-like fangs, incredible agility, and a poisonous bite, a testament to the adaptive qualities of those creatures who survive in the harsh swampland and what lies beneath.

The Withering's recent coming has caused a select minority to migrate above from feeding upon the bottom of pools of water and collections of mud, eager to sate their endless hunger.

Monster Abilities: Acid Resistance, Wounding On Hit, Poison On Hit, Multiple Low AB/Damage attacks a round, Blind Fighting, Vampiric Regeneration

Monster Appearance: (Intellect Devourer, War) Model, Green Glow

Region: The Morass, Bogs, Bogs Tunnels

Extra Comments:


Monster Name: Void Wyrm

Monster Description: A strange and alien wyrm, these beasts have begun to emerge only recently from their eggs that were long thought dormant. These blue scaled wyrms are indeed strange, with a thick cloud of Mist always accumulating upon their figure that makes me nearly impossible to see clearly.

Monster Abilities: Mist form, Barbed Strike (Stunning fist), Psionic mind blast, Chaos Shield

Monster Appearance: Mist Wyrm in the toolset, scaled down to Humanoid size for the time being while they feed.

Region: All

Extra Comments:

 They had arrived an age prior aboard a small meteor that struck near Ymph and had caused a massive tidal wave. Oddly, should one open an unhatched egg, they will find only emptiness within. These Wyrms hold a fierce appetite and seem to devour their prey whole. Anything larger is completely ignored by the creatures, and their agenda at the time appears to be one of growth only.


Quote from: Knight Of Pentacles;253556Monster Name: Munt's Mechanical Mutts

Monster Description
:  These rusty and ragged "animatrons" have been clearly designed by Murdertown's finest blacksmith, Drogus Munt.  (Atleast one can assume by the glorious handiwork).  They creak and rumble endlessly and glow a deep purple.  Fashioned in the shape of a hound these animatrons are found accompanying the sentries of the Governor's isle and in and around the Poor House.  

Monster Abilities
: Howl, Bane.  1/5 DR.  Construct template.  Low AC.

Monster Appearance
: Appear as though a crude large dog but made of crusty and ruined metal parts.  They're powered by the Psychopomp using the dark magics of the Mad God (hence their purple glow).  ((Wolf + constant stoneskin VFX and purple glow and a construct-ish voiceset))

: Murdertown and accompanying the Psychopomps men on Freedom Raids.

Extra Comments:  

You obviously do not understand MUNT, sir.


Monster Name: Pseudonatural wolf
Monster Description: The abberant corruption of this wolf seems fresh and yet to take full hold. Its eyes are a large, bulbous black and a writhing mass of tentacles seems to stir beneath its flesh, occasionally reaching out to whip through the air around it. The wolf lacks any hair and oozes an ectoplasmic residue from its mottled grotesque fleshy colored body.

Monster Abilities: Acid and Eletricity damage resistance 5/-, Ghostly Visage as a spell-like ability, Spell Resistance equal to 1/2 its hit dice.
Has a tentacle attack in addition to its normal bite, dealing extra damage and on-hit acid splash. Should look like
Bite: 1d6 + (str mod)
Tentacle: 2d6 + (str mod) with acid splash on the tentacle weapon
Monster Appearance: Regular wolf or dire wolf with an Evards Black Tentacles thing superimposed over it.
Region: The Desert / The Mountain / Underground
Extra Comments: The corruption of the Far Realms has spread to this wolf, and as the extraplanar entity attempts to shape itself into a visage that is native to this particular reality it consumes the host. Below is further information.

Monster Name
: Pseudonatural Infector
Monster Description: This amorphous monstrosity changes the longer you look at it. A mound of writhing flesh, limbs, eyes, mouths, claws and tentacles burbles maddeningly, growing new extremities and consuming old seemingly at random. Spending more than a glance to look upon it causes an excruciating headache.
Monster Abilities: Aura of fear, Aura of stun. Casts spells: Confusion, Dispel Magic, Ball Lightning, Ghostly Visage. DR 5/- to Acid and Electric, Spell Resistance equal to half its hit dice. If possible, give it armor with something akin to 15% DC 14 on-hit stun to potentially stun attackers when it is struck.
Monster Appearance: Gelatinous Cube or Umber Hulk might be the closest.
Region: The Desert / The Mountain / Underground.
Extra Comments: When the Enclave crashed into the mountainside three years ago portions of it broke off. Not everything had been picked clean by recovery teams or adventurers, and this is an unexpected side effect. A containment field that lost its power, a binding that broke, or a flux of magic temporarily weakening the boundaries of reality enough for such a thing to slip through the result is the same; an exploratory abberant from beyond the stars has slipped through, its very presence in this reality corrupting the world and animals around it into a visage of its own dimension. They infect animals, plants, and maybe even adventurers by separating part of its form to burrow into the host, living symbiotically for a short time while it twists and mutates the victim, destroying it both mind and body.

Drakill Tannan

Monster Name: Mourner

Monster Description: Ghostly figures of humanoid craeatures, mourners are spread throughout all ymph, wherever h'bala's minions have destroyed a small population, and are recocnsied for their endless mourn that is said to make people go insane. When several come together, their wails are often confused by thouse of the Agony of the Hunt, this being the cause of many of the rumors of it's return.

Monster Abilities: 4 HD. All undead inmunities & propieties. 50% concealment. Sonic Howl unlimited uses/day. If the server's settings don't allow for it not to harm it's allies, 100% sonic damage inmunity.

Mourners have very little AC and very high HP. Their perception range is the largest and move very slowly (the slowest rate).

Monster Appearance: A figure with the "Shadow shield" skin, and blured as with the improved invisibility spell. Three varieties, the most common should be a halfling (Stargazer) but also a human model and a dwarf model.

Region: Mainly the starwood (Stargazer model) & the tangled woods (both). Also ocacinoally some in the old dwarven hold (dwarf model).

Ocacionally found isolated throughout any withered area. On random events and DM plots wich involved a devastated population by H'bala's minions.

Extra Comments: Encounters should be of about 3-5 within the starwood and tangled woods. When found in withered areas there should be 1 or 2 only. On DM events they could be used in large groups as a way of making a "barrier" to block PCs.


Monster Name: Aberrant lurker

Monster Description: A strange, alien and uterly bizzarre humanoid creature, several long arms emerge from under it's dress, ending in deformed hadnds, twiching towards you.

Monster Abilities: 1 HD, DR 5/+2 & 10/+1. Inmunity: Mind spells. SR: 12. Reneration 2 hit points per round. On hit: Paralyzing touch (Dragonlich version, 10 CHA for a DC of 11) True seeing.

High HP and AC. One attack per round, +15 AB or so, Monster damage 2d6 + 8 or so. Sligtly slower that your average running PC.

Monster Appearance: Female human mode, dressed in a dress (Robe 2) and with the hooded head model. Skin colored gree or purple. Green eye glow. Evard's black tentacles effect under it, much like the blood thorn monster.

Region: Anywhere, but very rare.

Extra Comments: This is one of the remaning "sprouts" of akulatropos that still infect a few inhabitants of ymph. Should be a rare spawn, always found alone, hostile to everything.

"Paralyze" in this case should be roleplayed as being grabbed and inmovilised by the hands from under the dress.


Monster Name: Melodic Felchitter
Monster Description: These Red Bugs are known to be extremely lovely at first, charming and befriending. They are very slow, and often appear in small groups of three to five. They are known to disable their opponent then move in to feast upon their victims.
Monster Abilities: Charm, low AB/Damage/AC, found in clusters
Monster Appearance: A very small umberhulk model with red visual
Region: Forests, Mountains
<SkillFocuspwn> no property developers among men only brothers


Monster Name: Withered Escaped Slave
Monster Description: A lost slave, delirious from lack of nutrition and weakened more so by the withering.
Monster Abilities: None
Monster Appearance: Beggar, Withering Glow
Region: The Desert

Extra Comments: Would be interesting to have these escaped from a slaving ship in Sis Liman, and be offered a paltry gold sum to bring them back, or have the option to bring them to mistlocke for minor experience. Likely start out neutral, and if you fail a high DC persuade/intimidate/bluff check they turn hostile and run away, or attack you.

Spiffy Has

Monster Name: Withered Wild Orc
Monster Description: The many thousands of orcs upon Ymph must fight and battle for the little substance and cure their also many shamans can produce. The weakest, or simply unlucky of these number, become withered and join the legions of H'bala.
Monster Abilities: Vampiric Touch, Palemaster Stun Touch. Deadly Gas Aura.
Monster Appearance: Wild Orc that Glows Green
Region: The Mountain / Underground / Forest /
Extra Comments: