Make Deer Hostile

Started by Egon the Monkey, July 21, 2011, 04:52:52 PM

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Egon the Monkey

A small change, but a meaningful one. One, you'd be able to track them on hunter PCs. Two they could be given the "run away" AI or a permanent Fear effect to make hunting them  little more interesting than walking up loudly and punching them in the head. :D


I would always get a kick beating deer unarmed with my barbarian. This would make it so much sweeter.


This seems like a good idea to me.

It probably means it can't be done, but still.



This is going to make my next character, the FE: Animals, Gentleman Ranger "Coronado del Deerpuncher" so much more rewarding. Please implement this NOW.


We approve.  Especially the fear part, they should bolt as soon as they sense you.  Only problem with this might be that they will all end up in the corner of an area.


Deer are friends, not food :'(


Absolutely. Might make it a bit harder than running through the crossroads and killing 10 deer with no effort.

Drakill Tannan

On the other hand, slaughtering deer will be necesary whenver you want to rest in the wild.


I'm not hearing any downsides to this plan.


Or instead of killing them you can chase them off!


I guess it would be better if they weren't hostile, but had the AI as if they were.

Egon the Monkey

No, because Tracking only lets you view the tracks of Hostile creatures. I remember once on a DM event pursuing a white stag and asking the DM to turn it Hostile so my PC was able to track it.


Hostile deer would be pretty annoying for rangers wanting to rest in the wild, especially considering how numerous they are.

Egon the Monkey

Ah... Yeah that's true :(. THere any other way to make them flee from PCs?