Water breathing spell?

Started by Letsplayforfun, November 30, 2008, 11:08:29 AM

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Just an idea coming back back from snorkling and drinking too much water...

I don't remember if implementing new spells is possible, but a water breathing spell would be neat (i'm thinking lvl 3 arcane spell, or divine for water domain, eventually druidic as well, with a short duration of about 1 turn, maybe 2 rds per lvl)

Jayde Moon

Just an FYI:

QuoteWater Breathing
Level: Clr 3, Drd 3, Sor/Wiz 3, Water 3
Components: V, S, M/DF
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Touch
Target: Living Creature Touched
Duration: 2 hours/level; see text
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)

The transmuted creature can breath water freely.  Divide the duration evenly among all creatures you touch.
The spell does not make creatures unable to breath air.
Arcane Material Component: A short reed of piece of straw.

Adding spells may not be possible without haks, this is probably a totally irrelevant post, but just for kicks:

Maybe adding 1d6 rounds per level of hold breath (something like empowered bubbleberries)?  In PnP you can target a single target for full, or a group.  Make it like dispel where you can target single target for max effect or up to 1 additional person/lvl (starting closest to the caster) for 1d6 rounds.


It's possible add spells only through override, but they're kinda funky so almost all efforts on that front fail.

We've had special, sometimes magical, waterbreathing items available in the past (above mentioned bubbleberries). Custom scrolls that are available from merchants, perhaps, could complement the selection of such items? Different merchants might sell the scrolls for use by different classes, as well.

It's a bit of work though. I wouldn't expect such a thing any time soon.


Or make Bubble Berries available to other Venders other than William Bell.

Egon the Monkey

I'm fairly certain another place sells them too.


there are three places that i know of.


Actually, i was well aware about the items, i'm just hoping to see more usefull spells pop up. But as adding spells require more work than it's really useful for, i'll make do with the usuals.


The only way to get the spells to work reliably as spells is with a hak, and the only way to get them to look good is with a tlk. It's technically possible, and technically not a lot of work, but doing so would require EfU to throw away its current hakless niftiness.


Instead of using a custom spell, just mod an existing one?  Extending the range of invisibility sphere and turning it into underwater breathing?


Quote from: Zelknolf;99002The only way to get the spells to work reliably as spells is with a hak, and the only way to get them to look good is with a tlk. It's technically possible, and technically not a lot of work, but doing so would require EfU to throw away its current hakless niftiness.

Just so the information is right, it was already mentioned that spells can be added with overrides, not necessarily haks.  ScottyB is a champion behind this.  You are correct about the "looking good" part however, but you might be surprised in seeing how far you can go with stuff that already exists in dialog.tlk.


You know, you -can- make new spells, without clientside changes to haks/2das, which are fully functional and still work properly with spellcraft checks ^^
its a bit of work, but it's 100% possible. Its one of the systems I had on project prelude before my drive died, but one I could (sort of) easily replicate if it is wanted.



lol. Well, to clarify;
Usually people are skeptical about adding new spells because;
1; new spells cannot be leanred/prepared/cast/recognised unless the player has the proper override or hak;
2: spellcraft+ counterspelling for the new spells does not work properly for people who don't have the override or hak
3;  Dialog.tlk options are limited, meaning the text people see when you cast the spell, is limited and not customisable unless people download a new dialoge.tlk
During my quest to make 'proper incantations' for spells on project prelude,  meaning a verbal component actually meant you typing something out and then getting a spell effect for it, I manged to bypass all of the above.  Not only was I able to make override-free custom spells, but I could make (easily) custom notifications of people recognizing the spell using spellcraft + counterspelling working properly, without the use of downloaded content.  The system is 100% scripted and was (fairly) easy to add to, since I designed it to accomodate several additions later on.


Cruzel also once scripted an AI, but it went rogue and killed his grandparents. Do not allow him to touch the scripts of EfUa, he will kill us all.

(And only a few of us on purpose)
