Fox's Glen Mushrooms

Started by tropic, June 19, 2011, 01:33:19 AM

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Maybe remove the DR? It's a little tiresome to hack through them - and difficult for anyone using less than a d8 weapon!

edit: Wrong forum, should have gone to Suggestions.


Also, if there was a way to make a tumble check through them, that would be pretty neat. Probably more trouble than it's worth to script, but I don't really know.


I disagree. Keep as is. Make it hard to go through the glen/dell or whatev
<SkillFocuspwn> no property developers among men only brothers

Jayde Moon

But it's not really hard to go through the glen/dell or whatev.  AFAIK, they only reappear after a reset.

So, it's only tedious for the FIRST person every reset.  After that... might as well have never even been mushrooms.


A tumble check through the mushrooms would be fun


I was thinking a way for dex chars to get away from str pursuers, like the walls in lower.

But if the mushrooms only appear after resets it's not worth it. Maybe give them a respawn time that varies between 10-20 minutes at random.