Aergon Ironfist

Started by Craig210, June 16, 2011, 08:51:40 AM

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A brief character for me, i wanted to play something that i wasn't handicapping myself for a change and experience the part of the server I loved the most from EFU-A. The docks.

It worked well, i played more a supportive character in rp and just enjoyed the side lines of the confederacy. Giving advice and pushing my own opinions onto conwel seemed to work well for the most part!

anyway, the screenshots.

Trenada's attack

Off in the distance he comes, Ymph is DEATH

The Agony,

Words spoken at the end of the attack. Dragged 5 corpses from this event. One hell of a long walk!

Docks fun!

Trenada has had enough of the sons, who can blame him.

But true docksmen wont let him get to the sons if he is going to harm the rest of the docks!

A long waited showdown, but who would come out ontop.

A third player, who almost everyone thought to be a harmless dove.

The wait for the end, tension and constant wonderings of what was to come. Noone really had any idea.

The end of EFU-A this final screenshot sums up my experiance of EFU-A.

I enjoyed the hell out of the end of EFU-A, unfortunately Aergon was an old man. 3 more years added to his life, he has decided to retire from fighting and live out his days remembering the good old days when men where made tough as nuts, and not whimpering children.


Enjoyed him a lot. He was a great companion, minion, and fellow old-man grumbler. Kudos to you, sir.


I can't find a single screenshot without Conwell at Aergon's side!

I very much enjoyed Aergon as a character and as a helping hand. I'm glad I got to be a part of his story.

Long Live the Confederacy!
<elmo>: i have to say for me your glory days have been on EFUR RagingPurpleGiant1