Puzzle quest

Started by Takenbymadness, June 14, 2011, 06:21:56 AM

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The puzzle quest did not function for me today. The rings did not spawn and pillars were not click-able. Reset lever is click-able, but does not move at all and does nothing.

12 Hatch

This is still happening sometimes for me too!  I'd say it is bugged about 50% of the time.


I had this occur last night. Exiting the room, speaking with the questgiver and choosing the "No, I'm going back down in a minute" option did cause the disks to spawn and allow me to complete the quest once the puzzle was solved.


Just exit and re-enter the room, and they will be there.


Keeps on happening to me as well and still prominent.
EDIT: Character name Argyris Kharvinax
<SkillFocuspwn> no property developers among men only brothers


Happened for me too.