Thane Dalgad Garete

Started by LiAlH4, June 11, 2011, 03:48:46 AM

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So ends the long life of Dalgad Garete, born in the Halls of Kulet Muzish in the eastern Stormhorns. He was cast out for thievery in his youth, managing to escape without the customary brand, and eventually ran a smithing business selling cheap arms for vast sums to gullible adventurers in Saerloon while paying reverence to his patron, Abbathor.

Cast out by his kin, ripped from the arms of a stable and comfortable existance in Sembia, Dalgad's arrival on Ymph was a two-day litany of profanity which prompted both IC and OOC comments; it was worthy of any 8 CHA character.

Then something interesting happened. He became Thane.


Dalgad lived long enough that a full and comprehensive list of influential PCs is likely impossible! Danyal Saircrost, Madeline LaRue, John Rourke, and Emma Snow all certainly deserve a mention, along with the entire Golden Alliance.

After learning the lay of the land with my previous PC, I endeavored to change it a bit with my next. I never imagined what the result would be. He survived by some miracle violent PVP, dangerous quests, and a vast number of excursions into the mountians. So, well done Ymph. You finally managed to kill him. :)

How shall he be remembered in the annals of the Golden Alliance? Almost with certainty as:

Thane Dalgad Garete the Beardless

Screenshots to follow shortly!


Only dwarves can have leaders with negative charisma mods.


Some pictures of the Dwarves should be posted as well.
No Idea why Dalgad aided the Stargazers but us against horrible odds:

Roryn's Ascension to Honorguard

After the Thanes death we tried to find a safe way to the mountains so I tried some arcane eye...
How was I suppose to know this would happen?
<SkillFocuspwn> no property developers among men only brothers


I have very few pictures from Dalgad's earliest days, but this is one of them. Shortly after taking the Throne:

His Oath, given to the Dwarf whose massive iron boots he would have to fill:

Another of his Oaths, with a few paladins objecting to a certain aura they saw about the Thane. De Villiers shut them up!

Leading the Golden Alliance to war against the Shade of H'bala. Fat lot of good that ended up doing. Thanks, Leged! ;)

Leading the Golden Alliance to war once more! This time saving Blackhearth from near-certain destruction at the hands of H'bala's forces!

Most people, as it turns out, ended up swearing oaths to him. Not something I planned for, but I had the oath and its leadups memorized by the end. :)

One of Dalgad's major influences, also the only non-Dwarf (in physical form) he ever swore into the ranks of the Golden Alliance. Well done, Baklak Trollspike!

Dalgad sponsored a vast number of expeditions into the Mountains, bearing supplies and food. Total gold investment by the end was probably a bit over 40,000 ducats. Eventually, a joint-stock company was formed to handle the business, Red Ribbons!

All of my favorite emotes involved Dalgad's axe. For those not in the know, Dalgad had a fearsome axe, taken/stolen from... somewhere. No details, I'm afraid, not here! Message me on IRC if you're really curious!

Shade, the armor of a Duergar PC, given to Dalgad on his third day. Durgrim certainly cemented Dalgad's loyalty with this piece. :)

Many paladins were actually confused when they would inevitably find out that Thane Garete had a bit of an aura. "Why?" they would ask me OOC. I finally can post a response to that:

Thanks for all the fun, EFU:A. You guys are great and I can't wait for my next PC. :)


Somewhere hidden on this computer I have a few screenshots of him from before he ever became Thane. One with him and the Mesmerte sisters fighting with our demon army. Awesome trio we were way back in the day!


Fantastic job with Dalgad. You were right, you did have some massive iron boots to fill and you did so admirably. Look forward to your next concept, which will occupy your time until you roll up your next dwarf.  Kudos sir.



Thane Dalgad Garete certainly achieved great things throughout his career. Well done on your second character, LiAlH4!

  • The dwarves sit and discuss the new thane within Felhammer hold (Amadeus early career involved a lot of scrying):

  • Two shield dwarves and a gold dwarf... or is it a sun elf-dwarf?

  • The dwarf who is quite possibly the second incarnation of Baklak swears his oath

'Even life eternal is not time enough to see, all the folly and despair of poor Humanity.' - [url=]To Life - A Shoggoth on the Roof[/url]

It is through Art, and through Art only, that we can realise our perfection.


Yay I'm in a screenie!


Sort of. Well. My goods are. And here's the little memoir of Sanny's sadly short lived [due to his death] agreement with Thane


Legendary sir. Just legendary.

Egon the Monkey

Quote from: "LiAH4"Thane Dalgad Garete the Badass
There, I fixed it.
Great PC to play with, with my intellectual halforc and your sneaky, clean-shaven dwarf making one of the more eccentric IC alliances. Someone shamelessly greedy, ambitious yet inspiring.

Divine Intervention

Brilliant Abbathorite and well played evil pc.  I also like the screenshot of De Villiers slapping down the paladin.

Luke Danger

I wish Gloin was there to the bitter end, *sigh*

I enjoyed interacting with him and being the number two who calls you on actions that aren't the smartest. It was fun :)


I thought the Ziggurat would be hit hardest first; didn't actually expect this. =[
Back in the fellhammer hold:
Finding the Holdfast:

12 Hatch

Dalgad was a great and believable result of Dwarven customs combined with the reality of living on a horrible island like Ymph.

His balance between tradition and pragmatism, and how he morphed over time, made him feel like a living, breathing character.

Definite props for the Thane!