Sorc Bloodlines, Do or Dont?

Started by Lenthis, May 10, 2011, 04:45:28 PM

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Well after a stimulateing conversation on such in IRC, And from the significant amount of dm proding to make a thread about such. Here we are!
Now do post your ideas, your counter arguements, your thoughts, and things that arnt so random as to steer it off topic.
Ill start it off, by nameing possible blood lines for the dms!
Chaotic only
+2 intimidate +2 saves to fire +1 reflex
Lawful only
+2 Apraise, +2 persuade +2 saves to fire +1 will
Good only
+2 Heal
Feat: Iron will
5/- fire resistance, Or have subsections which are
Cold/acid/fire/ice To represent the dragons color
Elemental bond in refrence to which ever blood line that char is in refrence to, In relation to the perks.

Knight Of Pentacles

Some other general ideas

--Fey Bloodline
--Aberration Bloodline
--Sarrukh Bloodline
--Divine Bloodline
--Hag bloodline


deaf bloodline
deafening clang 1/day
sound burst 1/day
blindness/deafness 1/day
-3 listen

mudman bloodline
on hit: grease level 1

earthworm bloodline
10% vulnerability to bludgeoning, slashing, piercing
5 negative energy resistance
5 acid resistance

dinosaur bloodline
magic fang 1/day
reptilian summoning theme

furniture bloodline
+3 efuss carpentry
furniture summoning theme
10% fire vulnerability

sewer filth bloodline
+2 vs disease
+2 vs acid
1/day rat summon
1/day ooze summon

troglodyte bloodline
+2 constitution
-2 charisma
stinking cloud 1/day

bog troll bloodline
+1 regeneration
25% vulnerability to acid and fire

recycled paper bloodline
5% immunity to slashing
barkskin 1/day

Drakill Tannan

Sounds nice, but i'd like something that makes sorcerers mechanically powerfull (or not require the tribal loot to be powerfull since Talir doesn't want to make us some non-tribal sorc loot)

PS: Just ideas! more inspiration than me demaning the DM implement this exact perks.

Quoting me in the other thread...
QuoteBloodline: Draconic

Bonus spells:
 -Ultravision (Once a day at level 3, twice at level 5 and thrice at level 7)
 -Unlimited cantrips

 Spell resistance (12)
 Inmunity: sleep

Bloodline: Celestial

 Bonus spells:
 -Resistance (Once a day per caster level)
 -Bless (Once a day at level 5, twice at level 7)
 -Searing light (Once a day at level 3, twice at level 5, and thrice at level 7)
 -Magic circle vs evil (Once a day at level 7)

Bloodline: Abyssal

Bonus spells:
 -Bane (Once a day at level 1, twice at level 3, thrice at level five, four times at level 7 and five times at level 9)
 -Magic circle vs good (once a day at level 5)
 -Aura of unatural (once a day at level 7)

Bloodline: Arcane

 Bonus spells:
 -Magic missile (Three times a day)
 -Lesser dispell (Once a day at level 5, twice at level 7)

 +1 bonus to spellcraft per caster level

Bloodline: elemental

 Bonus spells:
 -Endure elements (once a day at level 3, twice at level 5, trice at level 7)
 -Unlimited cantrip of the chosen element

 Elemental bond perk of the chosen element

Bloodline: Fey

 Bonus spells:
 -Sleep (three times a day)
 -One with the land (Once a day starting since level 5)

 Woodland stride
 Trackless step

Bloodline: Not-Undead but something related

 Bonus spells:
 -Animate dead (Once a day at level 5, twice at level 7, thrice at level 9)
 -Negative pulse (Once a day at level 3, twice at level 5, thrice at level 7)

Egon the Monkey

I'd suggest more mundane things that separate sorcerers from wizards by making them more adventurous and worldly, or letting them get more out of their natural charm.

Backgrounds that you get at L2, as a hint of what the PC was before they noted their powers. The "NPC class" they were, if you like. It would show how sorcerers can come from a variety of backgrounds other than witchdoctors. Like taking a flavour feat, but more limited. Sorcs don't get the free feat a wizard does, so a free background bonus would help you customise more.

Martial Background.

"Maybe you were training as a guard, or had fencing lessons from a noble master before you started developing your powers."
-Gain Weapon Proficiency:Rogue

Friends in Low/High Places
"Maybe you're a highborn son who noticed his charming manner was a bit more than natural. Or perhaps you rose from the gutter, using the arcane powers at your fingertips to con, frighten or steal your way to prosperity"
+2 Bluff, +2 Intimidate, +2 Persuade.

Your powers manifested during a dark ritual to appease a fell power, or maybe as what you see as a divine miracle.Either way, you see your powers as a gift.
+2 Divine Saves, Still Spell

Witch Doctor

"You were a shaman, a spiritcaller, or wise woman. The tribe respected, and maybe feared you for your inborn talent"
+2 heal, +2 Spellcraft


These are more like perks, but this being kinda a sorc idea super thread, then sure I guess that can be here. But for future refrence the goal of this is to look more into a not so much perk but blood line ideal.

Divine Intervention

Bullywug bloodline: Underwater breathing, immunity poison.  You must always emote hopping like a frog.


idiot troll bloodline: you constantly make stupid jokes about a suggestion that has merit



Three posts were deleted due to trolling.
I am going to open it again because it's true I want to look into something sorcerer specifics and bloodline is absolutely one thing I've had in mind. Not going to make any promises for it and if it happens it'll be in summer sometime. Be it bloodline or other quirks added to the sorcerer class, feel free to suggest it here.
Don't be disappointed if I don't bring your ideas into it, I truly appreciate that you make a suggestion.
Any posts made to spite or 'troll' will be taken as an incentive for me to learn how to ban people from the suggestion forum and as a voluntary call from you to test it.


Not sure if you could consider this a "bloodline" but I think it would make sorcerers a little scarier.

QuoteElemental Affinity: Fire, Acid, Cold, Electric (Pick one)

Required Level: 6

Opponents targeted by the sorcerers spells must make a fortitude save of 10 + Sorcerer Level + Sorcerers charisma modifier or be afflicted with 20% elemental vulnerability of the chosen element for 2 rounds +1 round per sorcerer level to a maximuim of 10 rounds.


I see this Opening up extremely deadly spell combos.


Quote from: Porkolt;238941I see this Opening up extremely deadly spell combos.

Thats the idea. Would add some tactics to a sorcerer that are somewhat unqiue from other classes.


Some perk based on the type of magic would be cool.


chaos sorceror - i dunno maybe their offensive spells gain higher dc or something

elemental - widget that allows them to switch between all elemental types


I believe if there will be bloodlines let them not be just mechanically good but flavorly.
Some ideas could be:
<SkillFocuspwn> no property developers among men only brothers

Drakill Tannan

Personally, i'd make the bloodline only concern the magical ability. That is, no phisical or psichological trait is asociated to it. Because that's honestly more of a race thing than a class thing. RDD already crosses that line quite a lot. I personally don't like it.

For example, have the bloodline give bonus spells that make sence for it, like bless for celestial, bane for abysal, rather than making the celestial bloodline good only, or giving red eyes to sorcerers of the abyssal bloodline.