The Life and Times of Karrin Connell

Started by The Old Hack, April 22, 2011, 11:53:58 AM

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The Old Hack

Well, Karrin had a long, spectacular run, the longest any of my characters has yet had. So, without further ado, some of my fonder memories that I actually remembered to screenshot.

Karrin attending the first of many executions she witnessed. This one is rather special because she herself arrested the man sentenced.

Her first encounter ever with Imnan, her perhaps best-loved enemy.

Travelling through the Mountains of Mist.

Karrin chats with Imnan. At once frightened by his goals yet impressed by his sincerity and intensity, she gains a deep respect for him that lasts until his death.

A duel in the Wardens.

A historical meeting on the Sloped Road...

...where the Order and the Dominion find peace and treaty at last...

...and Karrin decides to protect the treaty as best she can in spite of how much she fears the Order and its fanaticism.

A gladiatorial slave auction.

One of Marionette's theater performances. This one edging rather close to the life art is supposed to imitate.

Saircrost steps up to the plate and bats for Veteranship.

Karrin and several others (these concealed in the Darkness) manage to kill the Whisper! (But the bastard respawned.)

An infamous auctioneer sells some of the most powerful magical devices ever seen on Ymph. Sadly, they were too good to be true.

Thôrgrimm decides to play Boulderdash at an Order trial.

Karrin shows another facet of her religious side: to her, appeasing Beshaba is simple prudence and showing respect for a powerful Goddess who is part of life.

A rare encounter with a creature of wonder and beauty.

Two of Karrin's friends decide to duel to the death...

...and the last battle is on. Poor Micheal can't bear to watch.

The last picture of Karrin alive.

And there you are. Thanks, everyone, I had a blast playing her!


Well done, Can't wait to see the next one.


Really loved this character. Excellently played.


Excellent character, very sad we couldn't make it out at the end.

Jayde Moon

I feel like there should have been much more interaction between our two PCs.

Well played on this, excellent job getting as far as you did!


Even from a distance I could tell that Karrin was a subtle yet still present influence on the server. Going to miss her!


loved her much. Now make a docksman
<SkillFocuspwn> no property developers among men only brothers


Sorry to see her go.


I loved Karrin and was always impressed by how much influence she had in the colony. Kudos, looking forward to your next!

Spiffy Has

Buffbot extraordinaire!


I've had the pleasure of knowing Karrin with a few characters, I enjoyed each and every interaction I've had with her.  

Can't wait to see who you bring us next.

O Fortuna

Sweet PC. I enjoyed interacting with her with a few of my own.

el groso

I admire long lived PCs! Well done!


Karrin Connell's death leaves too many hungry people without hope.  :(


"So what else is on your mind besides 100 proof women, 90 proof whisky, and 14 karat gold?"
"Amigo, you just wrote my epitaph."

"Maybe there's just one revolution.  The good guys against the bad guys.  The question is, who are the good guys?"

~The Professionals