Let me tell you about... Tera Whitmore (?)

Started by Caster13, April 19, 2011, 02:39:56 AM

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Tera Whitmore is known by many names. Most know her as Francine Abbotgate, however.

The following quote is the spark that inspired Tera Whitmore

QuoteAnything from robbing the bank to assassinating Duke Trenada is doable by players, but as Mort said would require more of a long-term effort and pre-planning.

The objective was simple: rob the bank:

The rough details of that plan were as follows.

First: Get to know the Docks a bit


Second: Infiltrate the Stygian Armada

Trollspike was a character. Whitmore would have loved someone like him in on the bank job but him being a Specialist was a liability since his loyalty couldn't be pinned down.

Eventually, mission accomplished/ Presenting, Specialist Francine Abbotgate, First Honours. Also known as Specialist Six Felicity:

Sevar... Sevar was a damn wildcard. I never could tell if I was able to outsmart/wit her or if she was just messing with me. She gave me a very nice ring, however. Definitely one of the coolest pieces of loot I have ever seen and received. It's secrets, however, shall remain with me (and the DM team >_>)



Whitmore got involved in a lot of stuff. Like the Hemingway Estate robbery:

With Captain Henry Harrison, she cleaned out some mercenary slavers in the Docks. Whitmore also got involved with the Manchakan Zayid, doing a little bit of spying for him but she did so only to get that much closer to him to dig up some dirt on him.

Now that she was established within the Armada and Docks, it was time to put the two sides together: the Silver Coin.

The Silver Coin is Whitmore's true character and at the same time, it was multiple characters. The Silver Coin was intended to both spy for the Stygians but also gain real allies and gather other thieves for the bank job. The Silver Coin was a true double agent that worked multiple sides but, as Talir described, always tried to make sure it was herself and herself alone who ended up on top.

As a "loyal, dutiful" Stygian, Whitmore even "spied" on the Silver Coin. She wrote up a dossier on her and this was definitely my favourite part:

Psychological Profile

The way she speaks leads me to believe that the Silver Coin is indeed a neurotic criminal, driven by a sort of obsessive-compulsion to carry out tasks that supposedly challenge her. Her mocking, child-like tone further supports the notion that she is a criminal for "fun".

The mannerisms she has revealed when when idle, bored, and alone also fits with this profile. She will perform sleight-of-hand tricks, taking both pleasure and amusement in how successfully she is able to perform the tricks with her skills.

Also fun was sending letters to myself. This was, admittedly, partly an OOC factor to try to hide Whitmore's multiple characters.

Eventually, Harrison was the first person that Whitmore revealed her true plans to:


And she also attracted some other interesting attention:


I still have no idea who Arthur Penn is.

Anyway. Tera Whitmore/Dockswoman Francine/Specialist F. Abbotgate/Specialist Six Felicity/The Silver Coin was one hell of a challenge to play. It was difficult and trying to play a double/triple/quadruple/I-lost-count-how-many-sides-I-tried-to-play-agent that depends on disguises pushes the limitations of the NWN game engine, not to mention the OOC consideration of other players. But it was still fun and I'm surprised I managed to do get as far as I did.

Anyway, in addition to the Journal of Francine Abbotgate. Whitmore carried her own journal holding a bunch of more spoilerish stuff. I'm going to go off and make those posts public now.

Also, Portal 2 comes out tomorrow: woo.


A most excellent character. Good luck on your next.


Sunite Paladin Order Templar here I come.

Luke Danger

Holy crud, that's dedication.

Awesome work


Very cool. Keeping tabs on you was tough. ;)

Money's Dew


athur penn, bamf lewt extroidinaire.


Wow. Well done, Caster. Good to see someone who had multiple characters that were not due to some kind of personality disorder or the result of a magical transfiguration!
'Even life eternal is not time enough to see, all the folly and despair of poor Humanity.' - [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OJAoaCHdTJY]To Life - A Shoggoth on the Roof[/url]

It is through Art, and through Art only, that we can realise our perfection.


Beyond excellent.  Sorry it ended the way it did..  :~(


The Old Hack

Once again, proof that there's a LOT going on out there in EfU that you may never even hear about. o.O

Looking forward to the next character!

Divine Intervention

A brilliant character, you truly had me going for quite a while and with the amount of triple double crossing I'm still not sure who to trust.


Looks like a work of art, Caster.

Truly a shame I wasn't there for it!



Awesome character!

And Penn, sweet memories.