Disable Evasion in heavy armor

Started by el groso, April 07, 2011, 01:06:58 AM

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el groso

It makes more sense and should make things more interesting as well. Hard imagining someone hopping around and dodging fireballs in a superheavy armor set. Which is fairly common, since Fighter/Rogues is something very common out there

Spiffy Has

Yes please. Anything to weaken this atrociously hilarious build

you axed for it

Pretty good suggestion, yes.


sounds like a damn good idea to me!



Allow it in chainmail still? Just heavy armor I would say. Keeping it still in medium and the like.


Anything we can do to remove any benefits rogues still offer is a good idea in my book.

Maybe we can add evasion to characters who are wearing very, very light armor as well, such as wizard robes.

The Old Hack

Excuse me, but are we talking realism or play balance here? Because not only am I iffy about invoking 'realism' in a fantasy game, but it is actually possible to dive for cover or drop flat or jump out of the way fast while wearing heavy armour -- you just get tired faster.

If it is a matter of play balance, it's another matter. If you think the combination of plate mail and evasion is an unreasonably powerful advantage, then by all means kill it. Just remember that for every action there is a reaction when it comes to balance; when you take this away from tank characters you also make evoker mages and the like more powerful.

Lastly, the example of the plate tank with evasion does not strike me as all that powerful. In many cases his Reflex save will be a long way from epic and Evasion is only an advantage when you make the saving throw.

Spiffy Has

Anything we do to make pure rogues more viable and preferable to a multiclass is a good thing.


Quote from: Spiffy Has;232766Anything we do to make pure rogues more viable and preferable to a multiclass is a good thing.

Then maybe you should suggest something that makes pure rogues more viable instead of buffing evokers.


Rogues aren't going to be any more viable with this in effect, or not. The multiclassing happens because the classes abilities are just insanely synergistic with many other classes. However the build that come to mind here is Rogue 3/Fighter x which is terribly destructive for many many reasons, ditching Evasion is hardly going to alter the strength of this combination.

That said, I'm all for removing Evasion from Heavy Armors. The classes that benefit from this, are already benefiting from the best skill selection available and powerhouse "threat" damage. After having just played a Fighter/Rogue, and with current Fighter I can tell you right now the damage difference is insane. It would be fair to revoke the evasion while in these armors.


Rogue/Fighter isn't really OP. There's plenty of disadvantages to this build. The saves tend to be fairly meh and the will is non-existant. Evasion only really helps -if- the save is made, as Old Hack said.

Do a bunch of dudes rolling out of explosions in full plate make sense? No, but we're heroes dudes, get over it.


I see no reason for the change even if it holds some sort of realistic value, something no one should really care about in a fantasy world anyway. Swinging the nerf bat around at multiclasses to try and fix a mechanically inept class (for this world, level range, ect) isn't going to fix anything and is more likely to start a bad trend than offer anything of worth.

I'll also mention that you can do the same build in chain armor and do everything identical to your heavily armored friend yet with more AC.


el groso

Quote from: The Old Hack;232765... invoking 'realism' in a fantasy game...

Quote from: VanillaPudding;232778I see no reason for the change even if it holds some sort of realistic value, something no one should really care about in a fantasy world anyway...

I don't buy this "Realistic in a fantasy game" thing. Of course we don't want it to be just like reality, for many reasons, one of them being that it's just a game, and other that it's impossible. But many things that bring this fantastic world closer to reality, brings flavor and immersion. Like hitting some hard things with sharp weapons and getting them dull having -1 dmg with them (it's scripted in EFU I think, I've seen that happening), the blackout thing making you see a black screen, and many other things.

As for balance among classes, it's been made pretty clear that balance is not exactly the main goal in EFU, and some will eventually be weaker then others.
Well, the suggestion simply makes things make more sense, as I stated, if it's desired or not, that will be up to the DMs, I'm sure it won't be a big deal anyway, implemented or not.