Deaths Hand

Started by godofpaincc8, March 30, 2011, 08:49:41 PM

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(please dont reply to this unless you are the players of Freya or Seithes)
I think i have a name for the necromancers group we formed. "Deaths Hand" tell me if you think it is good.


(also realize if any players are using this info in game without actually gaining i will report to the DMs and because you had to know these secrets my character and the other members will hunt yours down and kill them for knowing too much lol(not really just don't cheat!) )

yeah if you two and the other members like the name that shall be it if not tell me otherwise. I think we should discuss the mechanics here before actually attempting it as to cause less confusion and so that we can make sure we are not breaking any rules and after we've got out characters truly ingrained in the game foundation with a proper group we can then go on to discuss any future implements. I am only suggesting this as to reduce confusion as said and i think so to be kinder to the DMs in letting them know whats going on and so that they can point out anything we should not do as it might really mess with the rollplaying going on in game. I mean as much as i love being fully active in game some stuff has to be discussed outside otherwise bad things happen sometimes so see ya in game seithes and Freya remember to post here and we can tell eachother whats been going on with eachother if we have not seen eachother in game for a while... :) have fun!


il start jearn got stuck with putrescent flesh perk, is learning alchemy and learning magic. I witnessed someone whom i hated but respected die to pirates and am wondering when we will meet up again to "discuss" our actions and progress. "evil grin"


Skimmed top, didn't read. For groups, you can use the Introductions and Group Management forums found under the General Discussions forums, here:
If theres information you don't want metagamed, it's best to use the forums private message function and send to multiple recipients.

Jayde Moon


But where am I gonna get my juicy updates? Where's the suscribe button?


Most of this has already been decided. I've been planning this out for quite some time now and if you have any questions feel free to ask. Till then please stop leaking secrets all over to forums because metagamers exist and its easy to pretend they knew nothing but act on it anyways.. but thanks for completely and utterly blowing our cover o.o Keep it to our IRC or email me..

[edit] I also posted an app to the DMs telling them a whole bunch of my plans. They're aware, we just need to show presence in game.




.. Log on IRC via that, make a private channel, and scheme away.


Yes, I would recommend you use IRC for stuff like this. It's definitely not suited to the public forum.