Random Events

Started by Archenson, November 08, 2008, 04:12:01 AM

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I've taken a few screenshots of things run by Mort, but been too lazy to post them until now.

First off we have a DM quest Mort ran on Halloween, it was filled with epicness and spooky atmospheres.

The Fleet of the First Bolt recruits adventurers to explore other islands in the archipelago with them for treasure.

After being forced to land ashore, here is the group as they get ready to explore.

Encountering an army of gnolls on the cliff ahead of them, their chief challenges Murien to a duel for safe passage to the tower they spotted a ways back on the boat.

Unfortunately I was too wrapped up watching the intense battle that followed to take any screenshots, suffice to say it was amazing.

Murien defeated the chief in a close battle to the death, the group proceeded towards the creepy tower they saw, unfortunately I forgot to take more screenshots again, except for these two. :(

We battle through a creepy village filled with zombies and skeletons popping out of the ground.

After more fighting outside the tower and entering the base level, with no way up we discover a treasure room, filled with ph4t lewt.

A great and fun event.

Second is event run while I was fooling around on a gnomish barbarian of Urdlen. I didn't get any screenshots until the end of the event when our guide betrayed us as a million slavers appeared.

They all got crushed.

Thanks to Mort for the fun times.



This was actually the easiest part of the quest.  Though we massacred about 3 generations of goblins, we didn't end up getting the chief.


A delicious Illuminaughty quest, alot of screenies! (He insisted I post them all. :( )

-The Begining-

A member of the 'First Fleet' (Nawti got it wrong, what a noob) called for adventurers to explore an island, after arriving the meet an elf that explains to them his tribe was cursed to be absolutely delicious by a wizard and his gnomish hunter tribe, who began hunting down the elves and getting fat off their feasting, asks the group to find a Tome of Gnomish Virility and bring it to him to prevent the gnomes from getting it first, details in the screens.

With alot of detail and silliness, the placeables were funny to read.

-The crypt-

A dangerous crypt filled with delectable and delicious elven ghosts and remains.

-The return-

Having obtained the Tome of Gnomish Virility they head back and decide to 'ambush' the gnomes by luring them over a few traps, but during the 'planning' the gnomish cook ran down each trap, evading each one as he went towards the group, without realizing what was going on, eventually running as the group surrounded him.

Having defeated his hordes of Urdlen Fanatics the King Gnome Hunter emerges from his house, having spent perhaps 10 minutes fighting him, because the group wouldn't actually back down or find another way to kill him as he absorbed most attacks and regenerated HP, he was finally killed and the tome given to the elf they met earlier.

-The End-

And so a trippy quest by Illuminaughty is concluded, the only loot given for all the supplies we used was this:


This was an amazing quest.. I took some, but those bloody crashes killed them


Oh no! I've been caught on film, hiss! hisssss!


Quote from: illuminaughty;97365hiss! hisssss!

We did that in school.


scary ghosts woooo

when presented with a castle full of a hundred or more ogres, one must trust in brains more than brawn. equipped with our scariest ghost masks, we bypasses the lowly ogre guards under the charade that we were angry ghosts on our way to our big haunt.

first, we donned the SCARY GHOST MASKS

then we gathered and practiced our scary ghost skills.

finally, we put it to the test...

Luke Danger



And all dignity those characters had has just been flushed. Unlucky guys.

They're pretty awesome screenies, though. =D

Leprechaun Magic

Lol. That PC's name is Tard.


