Remove banking system,

Started by Craig210, February 28, 2011, 08:29:12 AM

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Or add a second one -somewhere-

It's been mentioned numerous times for a banking system to be added outside of the dominion. I think this should be added, or at least remove the banking system all together.

I do not think it fair that anti dominion pc's should be forced to hoard massive amounts of gold. Only to see it lost in one quick gank. Losing not only a potion supply but your means to resupply is harsh. While in some cases, you find that someone is fair with regards to your gold and potions. In most cases they are not.

What rubs salt on the wounds to this however, is the fact that while anti dominion pc's have to carry around insane amounts of gold. The dominion do not.

If you are unlucky enough to be mugged by someone of the dominion you will never see your gold replaced.

You cannot rob the bank, You cannot retrieve gold on another behalf. You cannot even mug the person that took your gold, because they wont be carrying anything near the same amount taken from you.

So can we please look at adding another banking system -somewhere- on the server. Or removing it all together.


QuoteYou cannot rob the bank

Says who? >.>


Feel free to try suggesting such and see the reaction you get.

Egon the Monkey

It does tend to make non-dominion concepts very fragile if they want to build anything rather than just attack stuff. If you want a DM HQ, you're looking at 10-15 000GP. So, someone has to carry that, and one gank derails not just you but your entire faction. This has happened twice recently to the same PC faction. You COULD say "distribute it between members so there's no one point of failure" but then you need all of them on at once for a large purchase.

You can't argue "Well turn it all into potions and run things on the barter system" because DMs never take anything but gold for NPC trade deals and only gold works for crafting.

I think I brought this up last time, but when I played my last criminal PC I was suggesting IC that we base ourselves in the Dominion and only target Docks characters because they're the ones who are forced to carry all their money. We only grabbed a few hundred gold a time, but we knew they'd likely have it, not have dumped all but 100 for safekeeping.



I think its fair for Dominion PCs to get the only bank. It promotes people to actually be patricians or dominion-based PCs, save for Stygians. Because honestly? They are supposed to be the strongest, largest player faction. But often the dominion can be awfully empty. If anything, the dominion needs more stand alone perks like the banking system!


I personally would like to see a bank somewhere like gull rocks, much like the one in sanctuary where it was a "private members club".

Pay a set fee, (I think it was 1000 gold before), for access to said club and free use of its bank. Or just a set "joining fee" for use of a bank.

It is pretty harsh on docks pcs trying to build stuff out of the dominion. When you get ganked and half or more of your serious amount of gold taken. I would advocate for an expensive joining fee, upto 3000. But in turn it gives you a solid place to store money for factions trying to set up stuff outside the dominion.



Just go use the Drow one in the UD.


Blue vs. Red mentality, they have a sending system we should have one too. They have a bank , we should have one too. They have a jail, we should have one too..

Some stuff isn't fair. Feel free to start a banker / moneylender IG who stores his gold in the dominion for people, but please stop advocating for shit to be 'equal', This isn't Halo where you spawn blue or red on each side and wage war. You play a character and if the path you go toward leads to be living in the slums, you rock with it.


I'm also all for people planning to rob, do big meaninful things. But it should involve planning, time, be well constructed and involve many groups in meaningful ways.

Sending a DM tell: "Yo, I want to rob the bank with my charm person wand." will certainly be shutdown. But a good story, where a group does a diversion, and then attacks the bank...

That's sort-of why I build the -Vault- of the bank, because I wanted for it to be a possiblity...


I would not trust my hard earnt savings to anything that resembles a leprechaun. Who uses the bank, anyway?

Egon the Monkey

Quote from: Mort;226592Blue vs. Red mentality, they have a sending system we should have one too. They have a bank , we should have one too. They have a jail, we should have one too.

More like Blue vs Red, Pink, Yellow, and also Blue itself. A bank in the Docks would be nowhere near as interesting as a mysterious and shady bank on its own island, used by pirates, smugglers and tax-dodging Old Port merchants alike. Something where Dominion criminals could stash deniable funds, and Docks groups save for their Big Plan.

You said yourself you want to see "big, meaningful things" but with no central authority in the Docks, you can't rent services. So, you have to go dig up a large amount of money to prove you have enough PCs and commitment to deserve an HQ, or fight over a single poky hideout. Yes, places don't need to be equal in offering the same services. But they should be in offering the same level of opportunity to succeed as a PC, or one gets abandoned in favour of another. The Docks is far more erratic in activity than the Dominion.

If I wanted to prove a point, I wouldn't make a moneylender. I would make a mugger who concentrates solely on targeting non-dominion PCs for their carried gold and arranges some sort of privateer deal with the Armada.

QuoteWho uses the bank, anyway?
Well, I never knew a recent Dominion merchant or brewer who habitually went around with more than 500 gp on them at a time, if that. They're always hopping off to the bank to stash the cash.


Anything from robbing the bank to assassinating Duke Trenada is doable by players, but as Mort said would require more of a long-term effort and pre-planning.


My best advice is not to flaunt it.

People get way too stupid with their money, much like in RL. Buying a lot of expensive gear from public merchants. Offering a ton of gold for schemes etc.

It raises a few eyebrows definitely.
[11:23 PM] Howlando: Feel free LealWG
[11:23 PM] Howlando: I'll give you a high five + fist bump tip

[1:34 AM] BigOrcMan: RwG, a moment on the lips, forever on the hips

The Beggar

I vote to freeze all RwG assets immediately.

I like having one bank only, I think it fits the environment.