
Started by Howlando, February 24, 2011, 11:19:52 AM

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At the moment we have -

Four major factions, including the Conclave/Stygians/Sons/Order all of whom could use more members.

A vibrant community of PCs that dwell in the wilderness.

A necromantic cabal that recently succeeded in animating the bones of a wyvern into a powerful undead.

An aberrant group.

A cult dedicated to the release of H'Bala.

A dwarven/gnomish alliance.

A group dedicated to championing the cause of good.

Other groups I'm forgetting.

And yet every day someone seems to have the idea that they'll start some new faction. For a while, I would urge players to consider playing characters that will fit into an existing group (or ally with, etc.) rather than trying to dilute the playerbase even further.

Just a suggestion!


i walked one morning to the fair


As a crazy aberrant freak this suggestion has my support.
<elmo>: i have to say for me your glory days have been on EFUR RagingPurpleGiant1


Strangely enough these are -exactly- my thoughts. I am glad someone voiced them. Creativity overload, EfU!

Divine Intervention

Sort of agree with this, however many of these groups only started advertising after (from what I have seen) the latest wave of new PC's.

Luke Danger

Yeah, I mean, it feels like there's so many factions of 2-3 people, it's getting kinda crazy to track everyone, lol


There's so many things going on, and any creative idea you have can still join any of these current factions while retaining their own unique flavor and their goals.


Or you can join them and plot to have their leaders killed so you can take over for yourself! Muahaha!

Spiffy Has

I support this message.

Nuclear Catastrophe

Too many chiefs, not enough Indians.


As the guy that sets up your faction forums, I support this suggestion.


There are plenty of existing groups, especially DM factions that work well for a character. But creating a player faction allows people to have a feeling of power and accomplishment, even if it does not lead to much,. And that is what truly matters, to me at least, attempting to do something with heart and soul. It does not matter if it fails. It is the attempt that matters.


You can be in a DM faction and lead your own PC faction. Come to think of it, at least three of my favorite characters did this.

Hell, you could feasibly be in TWO DM factions (a major, a minor), run a PC faction, and be a regular member in several PC factions.*

Being in a faction is not the end-all-be-all of your character.

Leadership is something I've studied, practiced, and performed throughout my high school and college career. I will always disagree with the "Too many chiefs, not enough Indians" idea. Good leaders will guide the way, but great leaders know when to follow. Furthermore, not all people are leaders just like not all people are great baseball players (although arguably, all can become either one with study and practice).

So, consider taking a broader approach and, true to this post, definitely hone in on the things that are already happening IG. If you want to create a PC faction, check if there's an existing group that similar enough to fit your idea that you can hop in and expand upon. Lead from within.

*Example: Son of Sabuth half-elf Amazonian warrior who distrusts men (especially those damned slavers!), so works for the Touch of Class to bring in customers and protect the girls while leading a PC faction of warrior women who joins up with a PC Pirate crew to help take out Old Port slavers and an elven PC faction that tracks down elven/Ilythiri artifacts to get in touch with her heritage (and find awesome new equipment). This character would rarely, if ever, have nothing to do. Plots galore.


As someone who deals a lot in factions I honestly love times like this. Recruits become a currency, manpower becomes something truly special, bandwagoning or alts in factions is less likely to occur, and more. All of which improves the server.

More importantly it creates a cool competitive feel, and leads to plots and intrigue to try and woo or sway other Faction leaders into your following.

Sometimes easier as a leader in a DM faction, but fairly possible at all times.

It creates POLITICS, and INTRIGUE, and those other sweet sweet things that too often get toss aside in EFU.
[11:23 PM] Howlando: Feel free LealWG
[11:23 PM] Howlando: I'll give you a high five + fist bump tip

[1:34 AM] BigOrcMan: RwG, a moment on the lips, forever on the hips


I have to agree with the original post here. When you're playing a PC that's in the middle of the action, and is trying to push forward your faction's goals, it becomes very difficult when you've got to fight so many at once. The sheer number of things going on with PCs diving in all different directions becomes limiting since the DMs can't possibly give all of them attention, as well as the players themselves can't organize in a cohesive enough faction to build much of anything.
I personally believe this (in part) is why you see more PCs dedicated to destroy over building on EfU. It's far easier to destroy under normal circumstances, which is natural. However you only need a couple to achieve this, it takes a far greater effort over time involving more PCs to build.