Meet the next President of the United States

Started by Meldread, November 05, 2008, 02:50:29 AM

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Yes I understand the pros/cons... but my point is you could have exactly the same effects of the college purely if you had state-by-state popular direct election of the president that was weighted by state population. But you wouldn't need the Electoral College itself.

ie. California popularly elects Obama, California's vote is given a weight of 55. South Carolina popularly elects McCain, SC's vote is given a weight of 8. Same effect.

I don't see any reason not to replace it with a direct-weighted election, unless States started splitting their college votes.

And as for always having the vote on a Tuesday, unfortunately it is a tradition that means its much harder for the working class to vote who often cannot afford to take time from work when lines are long. So there's at least one big reason to go against tradition really.


I say the candidates announce for presidency, and duel to the death. Pistols at sunrise, all candidates start back to back in a big group, take ten paces, turn around and begin wildly shooting each other. Whomever is left alive at the end, gets to be president.

I can has fun?

This link is for Caddies to LOL at.



Burr might agree with you on that. Hamilton though, probably would have a different position in retrospect.


I stand corrected, Andrew Jackson.


I love how much hype the president gets when he is really just a scapegoat when things are going wrong and a figurehead when things are going well. Bush just got lucky he had a good staff of well educated people who know how to cheat the system and make congress hand over too much power to one person. In all honesty I said in the who are you voting for post did not want to vote for either of the candidates. I believe that we should give -less- power to the government especially now. Noone seems to care now that our own government belittles us at every step that is inconvienient to their agenda. Please excuse me while I am not excited at all due to the fact that no change that happens now will return any power to the people so the change really doesn't matter to me.(Run-ons ftw) We still have the same house and senate and that is where the power resides...tell me what is going to change and how it will benefit me in a way other than money and I will embrace Obama with open arms.