A final farewell

Started by Dr Dragon, February 16, 2011, 09:13:05 AM

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Dr Dragon

I am taking my life back. EFUA has clutched me onto the dieing video game known as Neverwinter Nights I remember the day I discovered the server and was enthralled heavily. I have seen this server transition from Underdark to Surface. I have seen the work of players shaping this server. if one were to look at my playtime's I have spent years role playing and it is a part of who I am.

I have an addiction a problem similar to that of drug abuse. EFU truly beats any high quality graphics MMORPG I was overwhelmed with the content and the Dms of this great server. EFUA has been my way of escaping reality and I do not feel like running anymore I will take my life back. EFU will always be apart of me and I will never forget you.
This double life between myself and my characters must come to a close. When I play EFUA the truth is that I run away from the man in the mirror. I am done with this and take my stand perhaps someday I shall return to this server to see what has changed.

Some final notes and I do not care who is offended I will say my peace.

1 Changing the Underdark to this surface island is the worst thing that DMS have done to this server. The Underdark was way better and anyone who denies it is either lieing, kissing ass or hasn't experienced it.

2 The Quality and style of RP on this server has been degenerated and downgraded by both the Players and the DMS of this server.

3 Players are getting less and less creative.

4 Dms have given players a sandbox and a variety of things to do and players do not even make an effort to take advantage.

I will miss you all......

Caddies You are a great player and DM you were the first character that ever killed one of my Pcs

Dan You are awesome

Howland You have built a great server and have created an entire community of hardcore role players.

Calculor I will continue taking it to the max 100% every time

To those who played EFU

We have fought the good fight and made an epic legend the Underdark something the new players cannot comprehend. There is less and less of us.

To those new to EFUA

You have destroyed the underdark and the community. While great people like Capricious and Iron Oligarch have come bringing great and epic PCS. For the  most part you have degenerated the server I once knew

To the Dms  You have built a great place in the setting of the Underdark. But then you destroyed it and turned it into something else. While it is a great setting it just isn't the same anymore.

I wish  you all good luck have fun and continue to make this the reason to play NWN.


1992-(not dead yet idiots)




Could have just wrote "BRB".

Unicorn Tears and Misery


"So what else is on your mind besides 100 proof women, 90 proof whisky, and 14 karat gold?"
"Amigo, you just wrote my epitaph."

"Maybe there's just one revolution.  The good guys against the bad guys.  The question is, who are the good guys?"

~The Professionals


Goodbye DRD.  You won't be forgotten.


This is getting so old.



Get your Communist A$$ back here! See ya laters DrD.


The best of luck to you, DRD.

Egon the Monkey

Were better.

I fear for the world when the Doc's an old man :P


Well, Dr. Dragon, I must say that it has been rewarding and interesting for me to see your maturation over the history of EfU from a somewhat incomprehensible knucklehead who I banned several times to a pretty decent player with a solid appreciation for a lot of what makes EfU good.

I definitely encourage you to stop playing EfU if you need time to spend on other things, but there's a way to enjoy good things in moderation that I'd recommend all players learn how to do.

Your complaints about the value of the Underdark over the Archipelago are noted, but I think you are letting your sentimentality blind you a bit. The point I would make is that it is actually the same setting and that EfU:A is just another chapter in a continuously evolving, complicated story that is being developed - and one which I'd encourage you to stick around, at least on the side-lines, to see how it goes.

Regardless, I feel compelled to remind you of one of the rules of this forum, namely :

QuoteIt is fine to make a post in this forum saying you'll be gone for a certain period of time due to holiday/traveling/FAILING PE/wedding or some other concrete reason.

It is fine to, having ceased playing EfU completely for a substantial period of time, to return and say hello and mention that you've not been interested/not had time/whatever and mention that if people want to get in touch with you, they should send an e-mail, and perhaps take a moment to wish EfU a fond fare well.

It is no longer fine to log onto the forums after deciding to quit and make a big, "I am leaving forever, goodbye!" post.

If you want to no longer play EfU, that is fine. But please give it a few days before announcing this to the community. It is just ridiculous to me when people make big, angry goodbye posts due to temporary frustration and return to playing once they calm down. It is unnecessary and foolish and not an appropriate use of this forum.

Take a break for a month and if you find yourself happier and more productive without EfU than with, and don't think you have the personal self-discipline to control the time you spend on this project, then by all means come back and say goodbye for real.

Until then, I'm going to lock this thread.



i walked one morning to the fair