More useful shoploot?

Started by Egon the Monkey, February 10, 2011, 12:33:06 PM

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Egon the Monkey

One argument for rogues being alright vs Undead is "Bilby's Loot". However although kicking ass at Bilby's can give you great gear, there's no way to pick what you want, and it may even be totally useless (Hammer, Shield or chains on a pure rogue without proficiences). I always figured  expensive>rare with situational loot, as it means you have a goal to aim for and can always  get it if you amass enough money. Like Fullplate, or Patricianship, or  Ranger/Druid Shop Loot. It would be simpler I'd think than scripting a load of perks and bonuses, as it's just equipment.

Shoploot could give Rogues a fighting chance where Sneak Attack fail, and also give pure Fighters some love over Fighter/rogues too. The problem of merchants thinking EfU loot is worth much more than a PC would pay for it because of the AI could be averted by making some of them available from conversation options, like for fishing rods.
So, I have a two suggestions:
A rogue store, selling purely items that  help against unsneakable foes and are restricted to Rogue Only. Ones  that rather than pure +dmg have a rogueish flavour to them, applying  negative effects to these sort of targets.

The Workshop Guild's "Legionnaire's" shoploot could be restricted to pure Fighter only and upgraded in power, or a Gladiator's Store set up in the Arena that sells Pure Fighter Only gear. The equivalent of the Ranger/druid store that sells pure ranger/druid only stuff.

QuoteHaywire Probe [800 gold]
"This sharp metal spike is crafted through with copper tracks that  disrupt the flux of magic through a golem, and can send the elemental  within into a confused berzerk, attacking even its own creators."  
-2 damage
+1d6 Electrical Damage vs Constructs
Unique Power onhit: 20% chance to force a Will save vs 3 round Confusion effect on a Construct.
OUB: Rogue
DO not use if you have Ftr/barb/ranger levels
QuoteProtoplasm Disruptor [800 gold]
"This mace is designed specifically to split and crush oozes to limit their ability to reform"
+1 AB vs Ooze
+1d4 Bludgeoning vs OOze
10% Acid Immunity
Unique Power Onhit: Any Ooze hit by it has to make a Fort save or become  Slowed +1d4 damage if a sneak attack would normally occur.
OUB: Rogue
Do not use if you have Ftr/barb/ranger levels


As a rogue when you're used to hitting 20-30s against things that can be sneak attacked, and you are shot down to a weak d4 or d6, the risk of fighting at the front is not worth it. Take out that sling or shortbow at that point.

Egon the Monkey

And deal bugger all damage too. No reason why the same sort of stats couldn't be set onto ammo.


Maybe someone should explore the game more. *hint hint*


Not to go "off topic" but didn't you just make a post in General Discussion about how powerful rogues were?

Egon the Monkey

Quote from: Germain;223379Maybe someone should explore the game more. *hint hint*
Interesting. I thought I'd found all of the hidden shops (unless it's in the UD). If you're talking about the Arrowhead, the anti-undead ammo there's both insanely pricey and blocked by DR. I can't really comment on the stuff in out-of the way shops without spoilers, but the one the half-drow runs at least didn't offer anything that useful, nor "Creakin' and Greasin'".

There's a few items I do consider useful shoploot, and in fact  shops full of rediculously good stuff for Monks and wilds classes. I'm saying it'd be nicer to see that sort of thing to give dedicted rogues and fighters the same sort of option.

QuoteNot to go "off topic" but didn't you just make a post in General Discussion about how powerful rogues were?
Nope. Made a post about "where do they actually suck, where are they good". The big point i made on their drawback is than Sneak Immunity renders them nigh-useless. It's a pity there's no quest to recover Holy Traps from like there was in the UD. Water under the bridge though. I do tend to separate ideas on the forums so they don't get dragged into a pit of offtopic and DMlocked.