Good Aligned DM Faction

Started by gab1, February 03, 2011, 02:48:36 PM

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Porkolt, Active Son of Sabuth.



Caddies made a point on how factions are designed not to be bound to a specific alignment at the start, the problem is that only works for so long, sure a faction may start out as just sort of looking for chaotic characters in general but if 75% of those chaotic characters lean evil then over time the faction itself will stop being looked at as chaotic and take on the alignment of CE, this is why groups like the sons perhaps at the beginning were great for diversity but not you cannot honestly expect good aligned characters to look at the sons as a valid faction to join now because doing so would be simply ignoring their long history of Chaotic evil actions in the name of the faction. Same goes say for the order, with the actions done by Snow people are starting to look at it less and less as LN and more CN or LE, which in time if said actions continue the alignment view may become permanent.

This is why this post was made is because many factions currently with NPC support started off as neutral or chaotic and slowly drifted into more polar alignments. But the last faction to be created leaning to good was the pallid masks and the current groups have slowly changed to where most good aligned characters are openly hostile to them in some way. This is because their actions have been opposite of the actions a CG, NG, or Lg character would have taken in their position.

Dr Dragon

It is well known the CIA engaged in torture does that keep good or non evil people from joining?

Also the LAPD beat a guy while he was down and were engaged in numerous corruption scandals did that stop non dirty cops from joining? It would make sense for non evil people wishing to reform and improve a factions reputation to join it.

If you are just concerned about having inter faction conflict then obviously DM factions aren't for you and I feel really sad for you. Factions are diverse and any alignment can rock out with a few exceptions.



The factions themselves definitely do not have alignments, but they can certainly be pushed towards one by PC members or be seen as 'evil', 'neutral' or 'good' due to PC actions. Although, there is a reason why the factions rarely lean towards the good aligned spectrum these days, and that is in my opinion because there is usually a lack of real and smart good PCs in them pushing for their beliefs. In fact, I will go as far as to say that most good PCs aren't even good aligned, but are simply just 'nice', nice to the point of stupidity, where at times they even end up protecting people, monsters or deeds that shouldn't be protected. Or where their 'goodness' is only shown to 'friends'. Some of these folks should actually be neutral aligned.

Do note though that I am not talking about specific characters or situations, merely what I have noticed in my time as both a player and a DM.

At the end of the day... if you want to have a more 'good' aligned situation IG, fight for it. Push for it. Be smart about it. Be active. But of course, never forget to play your characters first before your alignment.

Egon the Monkey

It gives them ready goals, allies and enemies.  The Kingsman Inn's a minor faction that is suitable for Good PCs, I should know, I was in it with a CG Cleric. With no PCs in the Wastrel either, I don't see what'd stop a Good PC getting in there and using it as Docks Hero Central behind the scenes. I think it's help if the alignment recommendation was pointed out by a DM as just that, and maybe downgrading non-good for Wastrel and Stygian to "suggested alignment" to make it clear it's just harder to pull off, not nigh impossible.

A DM faction gives attention and prestige to a character, that leads to players paying more attention. PC factions need to get known and do stuff, and you can't have them work as a one-man-band. Prominent Evil factions have been quick to shore up the fact that everyone's gonna hate them for being Necromancers/Cultists/Team Scumbag by trumpeting their achievements. You could do a similar trick by accoplishing stuff and pointing out loudly that You Get More Done By Being Righteous.


Quote from: 9lives;222751Porkolt, Active Son of Sabuth.

Oh yeah.


Eraamion and Wern basically have it.
i walked one morning to the fair


De Olid made the Stygians look like dicks, criminals, and evil while Helder made it seem like the law of town
<SkillFocuspwn> no property developers among men only brothers


Dangerous Dan has it.


Quote from: Eraamion;222785My two cents:

1. I don't feel the server needs any more "good"-aligned factions at the moment. It would diminish the flavor it has. No factions currently prevent good-aligned characters from joining. During the time I've played, I haven't got the impression of the setting being inherently "evil". It is harsh, demanding, grey and complex, but neither good nor evil. This is as it should stay.

2. The problem is not the lack of anchor factions for good-aligned PCs. The problem as I see it are players who find it difficult come in terms with moral ambiguity of decisions and their consequences and seek to suppress this by reinforcing their identity as "good" by being part of "good" DM faction. This request to have a good-aligned DM faction has nothing to do with the server per se (and its supposed imbalances) and everything with human psychology.

You can see this in the outcry surrounding the paladin's death and the alleged "evil" of the Numinous Order, which IMHO is the sole underlying reason for this thread. The label of "paladin" was supposed to give the group authority and monopoly on righteousness (and OOC feel of security of being on the right side) but ended up itself in righteous flames, following judgment based on a (lawful-good, paladin-made) code of laws. This obviously rattles. But much like actions can corrupt a paladin and make him criminal, they can likewise corrupt a faction and make it criminal - hence, making a faction to accommodate this kind of concepts only to appease the psychological need for normative clarity would not solve this problem. I can vividly picture the subsequent threads: "Help, my good faction has become evil, they are punishing me for my mistakes, villainies, and breaking of oaths!"

I know there's been alot of accusations about this being based around a current event, and while it did reason into the reason for posting this, that's not true, though alot of people i'm sure could argue whether the Order should be considered evil or not, which isnt the subject of this thread.

I'll just say that the character whom i currently play is (i know, cats out of the bag) not good aligned, and that i honestly just like playing with good people. I prefer it, and what alot of people see as tending to be 'one dimensional' about Good concepts, i feel kind of about the ambiguous evil or lawful concepts. We are all obviously allowed to differ in opinions.

I'd just say, that such a degree of moral ambiguity, makes it kind of boring, in a similar way if we were all playing in Good vs Evil factions.

I know this is a big pull to the server, and different strokes for different folks.

I'd like to see a "traditional" good aligned faction still, where people can run to for guidance and support.

I think it would broaden enjoyability, and player interactions in this game, in this case and time, rather than narrow them.

Also, it would make things more 'fair' for good aligned characters who often have nowhere decent to run after being wanted by the Stygians, dominion faction, etc.

Docks Church faction, i'm succintly suggesting, now that peoples insights have been rounded throughout this topic.


Don't one of these threads always pop up when the server either has an abundance of good or evil PCs complaining about balancing the opposite?

Anyway make a druid that helps whichever side is loosing for true balance and get epic dm loot and xp if you rockout


Factions nurture individuals and not alignments.

Saying that there is nowhere to run as a good aligned pc seems kind of silly to me. Evil pc's have just as hard a time finding a new evironment from which to work out of and are far more likely to get killed by/with thier new companions than a good aligned pc who found like minded folk elsewhere.

If you feel that too many good aligned people hang out exclusively in the ziggerat then you can do something about it in character. Rally folk away from the duchy's corrupting influence.

I 100% garantuee you that no faction will appear without some kind of in character input for any alignment in any location. if you want a group to exist you need to work towards it.

Make a character to find prominant and powerful people in the realms to bring to ymph and protect the innocent, or protect them yourself and rally npc's to your cause.

The order only exists now because of player effort. It had been all but snuffed out prior.

The thing about efu is that things can be created and destroyed. It's so easy to destroy and so very hard to create. But if you can climb up the mountain and pierce the veil you'll find something epic. Or you can stare up at the sky hoping for something to fall from it into your lap.


You know what, though, it's really kind of ludicrous but the "good" PCs often just stand around and watch the infernalists, the necromancers and the aberrants do their thing, even going so far as to get violently angry with the PCs who actually stand up to oppose these people.

If people say there's a lack of good on this PW, well it's in a large part their own fault for their characters not taking a stand and instead allowing evil to walk all over them. Good DM factions aren't needed, but PCs willing to take a true stand in the name of good are.