Lisassa Phen

Started by Diz-e, February 02, 2011, 05:58:19 AM

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Lisassa had a great story, and it was a lot of fun. Thanks to everyone that made it possible! I'm not gonna get into details atm; here's a few screens while I try and dig out the ones on the other pc:


Great PC.... been trying to catch up with her for some time seems like you've been busy... and probably good for my PC that she didn't catch up to you.  Will be interested to learn the story either IC or OOC.  Some good memorys... and also some of concern.


Excellent PC, played the "is she friend or foe" role very well.

Can't wait to see what you come with next.


Excellent char, My druid never quite trusted the sickly looking woman, and I highly doubt he ever will lol- But, To see her was an excellent story.


A very engaging character that developed a lot over time. Nicely done and well played.

Staring Death

A very nice character to have around Aakoon.

I liked her approach about the spiders. Well, if she was truthful when talking with Aakoon!


Dagul liked his "shaman"


We developed character, I'm still glad I talked you into joining the Stewards, and Kahuu and Lisassa's relationship was wonderful.


Lisassa Phen was sweet.  She showed up and creeped me out on a few occasions.  Was never sure where I stood with her.


Alright, from the different times I interacted with Lisassa:

1. Playing Druid Tu shortly after Lisassa was created and the first thing she asked was: "tell me about the bog"...
Immediately I distrusted her
2. Playing Parrot Zhaka he sees Lisassa summoning spiders and asking about flayers as well as the fact she is a steward. So I'm like WTF!?
3. Final interaction, I sided with rot on Logaine and saw Lisassa doing most of the leading... I knew it from the start... In a way....
<SkillFocuspwn> no property developers among men only brothers


Awesome character from what i saw, rock on


Excellent PC. I got to see the darker side of Lisassa. Her transformation was very natural and intriguing. Sick druid.


My gazer will miss the Spider Lady


Quote from: AceOfSpadesX;222316Excellent PC. I got to see the darker side of Lisassa. Her transformation was very natural and intriguing. Sick druid.

I didn't get to see this, but you seem to have reached your goal perfectly, Diz-e. Well done.