Some 3-7 quest suggestions

Started by Thomas_Not_very_wise, November 01, 2008, 01:42:26 PM

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Luke Danger

"Tomb of the Just"

A tomb were the Netheresse shoved the good guys who were killed. Now the spirit of one such do-gooder asks a noble party to go in, and insists that they make use of the good-aligned artifacts they find in there to combat evil. The tomb was well warded by a Mystran, and only those of Good can enter.

Requirements: Good only
Quest giver: Spectral Paladin (where he/she is, you decide, but not too far, I suggest in a very far side of the docks, as in an area not often traveled)
Enemies: Revants of various good guys (Revant Paladins, Revant Clerics, etc.)
Boss: Revant Champion of Torm (litterally, a Paladin/Champion of Torm undead critter, evil alignment)
Loot: Various artifacts suited to good, and some cold hard gold, as well as common supplies.


"gorilla russian roulette"

you enter a cave with six gorillas. five are filled with mediocre treasures but one is filled with deadly explosives. care to try your luck, f00L?


Quote from: "LPfF"The sunk gallion

Underwater area accessible by a sand rift, when PCs are in possession of a treasure map. Contains an exterior area filled with sharks, and the ship's interiors crawling with huge sea snakes.

Parts of the galleon have air pockets for pcs to breath a little....

I like this idea, and was thinking of something similar.  Other possible enemies:

Jellyfish: ooze models with minor paralysis ability, or weak poison
Eels: snake models with an electric attack

There could be a sandbar for people to catch their breath, instead of rooms with air-pockets if making the ship interior is too tricky.

Luke Danger

Kobold Raiding Camp:

Guard intel has discovered the camp of Kobold raiders that has been harrassing the locals. They hire a group of adventerurs to take the kobolds out in a hope of stopping their banditry.

Pretty much a kobold map with a minorly entrentched camp


Quote from: erglion;99286I like this idea, and was thinking of something similar.  Other possible enemies:

Jellyfish: ooze models with minor paralysis ability, or weak poison
Eels: snake models with an electric attack

There could be a sandbar for people to catch their breath, instead of rooms with air-pockets if making the ship interior is too tricky.

Definitely would be cool.  I would say put this out by Shipwreck Beach, but we already have Harpies there.  If there was an underwater area there with a few sunken ships, you could put this galleon out a ways to keep some distance between the two quests.

The Crimson Magician

My suggestion would be to put it somewhere on the West Point, or whatever the intersection between the two Bog areas are.

Currently, there isn't much there.



An area of the ruins remains unexplored, and the whispers of Darkening are heard around it.

This will help individuals get involved on that plot, I think!


Why only suggesting quests with undead, monsters, and that kind of weird stuff?
The party surprises a group of pirates burrying their treasure on a beach. They kill them and use their boat to go to the pirate ship where the fighting continues!
The particularity of this quest would be that, instead of the party having to go through several monsters-infested rooms, the ennemies are gathered in a few places (The beach, the pirate ship's deck, the captain's cabin, etc.) This makes the quest more difficult, but also more realistic (tough understandable so as to not make every quest a living hell, it is ridiculous when adventurers storm an ennemy lair and each mob obediently remains on his spawn point while his friends are being slaughtered next room).
Special: dialog option when using the boat. A character who rolls a high enough INT check has the idea to disguise himself as a pirate to take the ennemies on the deck by surprise (they remain neutral to the party for some seconds to reflect that).
PS -- Some of the suggestions I've seen are direct copies of existing CoA quests. I don't think it would be correct to have them here.