Traps In PvP

Started by Thomas_Not_very_wise, December 22, 2010, 08:24:32 AM

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I'd like to change the rules regarding traps kindly
QuoteIf you intend to use -any- traps in -any- sort of PvP, a dm must be present at all times.

This prevents griefing in perfectly legal situations.


Deleted some posts. Do not spam suggestion threads with silly nonsense.


any situation can be legal, so why not get a dm for anything slightly conflicting you have? such as pvp in some random place in the wilds. traps are fine. they just chill there and you dont have search. just be careful.

12 Hatch

Or, alternatively, player traps could be set to subdual only, so if a trap is used for assassination purposes, said assassin has to leap from the shadows and deliver the finishing blow.

More exciting for all parties, and more satisfying for a victim.

Divine Intervention

Traps, from what I have seen, are very rarely used in pvp anyway.


Yeah, i don't think traps are used enough. I think that they should be switched to subdual mode as suggested then, even if people do spam them, but leave the area there is still a chance to survive.


Traps that respected subdual mode would be awesome. I once had unfortunate results when I used a trap to 'cover our escape' in a quest.


I dont believe its possible for traps to be set to subdual. I may be wrong.

That said, requiring a DM for traps would decrease the use of them. Traps are often used in long term ambushes,often disabling ones. Heavy damage traps are hard to aquire through numerous reasons.

1) Not many sources to obtain them on the server.
2) Those sources are not exactly a walk in the park
3) It requires -heavy- investment in disable trap

Yes traps may kill someoone who was not an intended target. Yes they can kill which can be seen as griefing. However taking into account the above three points, the sort of traps that can kill pc's are not traps your going to throw around willy nilly. Instead you save them for specific pc's at specifics instances. Such instances can happen from anywhere between a 2 day wait, up to over a month.

If you want to avoid traps, invest in counter measures of them. The same way someone wanting to avoid phk invis ganks will purchase potions, take feats and obtain equipment.


Quote1) Not many sources to obtain them on the server.

You mean, aside of Bilby's store?


Heavy damage traps are hard to aquire through numerous reasons.

1) Not many sources to obtain them on the server.

Bilbies doesnt provide -heavy- damage traps, the one trap it does provide with excessive damage is extremely costly. If your investing that much into kiling someone, good on ya. Traps are not 100% certain and can be triggered more ways than one.


I find during brawls say in the docks every once in a while someone puts down a trap right int he middle of the area which is a bit nuts since most people can't see a well placed trap.


I don't disagree with what you suggest, TNVW, though I would say, preferrably,
Traps should be placed in such a manner that you can be reasonably certain they will hit someone which you have a specific reason for engaging in pvp with.
If a random level 2 is just as likely to walk over them and be FDed as a target you actually have a good reason to PvP, in my opinion that's pretty shabby on your part.
On the other hand, if for example you've arranged for someone you have good reason to pvp to be lured into a low traffic back alley, that's another matter.