Quest Bug: Troglodytes, The Docks

Started by SluaghSluagh, December 16, 2010, 07:21:09 AM

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Reporting a bug that occurred with regards to the Troglodyte quest in  the Docks (acquired in the Wanton Wastrel, takes place in Smelly Trog  Caves).  Basically, the quest stacked a second group on top of ours  while we were in the midst of running it.  

I play Lydia Dvosk (GSID GrayElf Spellsinger); I started this quest with  Jarl Krunt (JavalinWielder) and Cheven Barain (DonovanZanz).  We were  near to the end of the quest, inside the caves, when we received the  following server message:

[EFUQS:Characters participating in this quest:
-Lydia Dvosk
-Jarl Krunt
-Cheven Barain
-Stephen Young
-Gwennolin Nacarae (may have mis-spelled this one)

I believe it was around now that our spawns disappeared on us.  Shortly  thereafter, we received a notice that we were kicked from the quest, and  our journals updated stating "You have given up".  Moments later, the  dungeon repopulated with stronger spawns when another group entered to  run the dungeon.  

One of the PCs with us, Cheven Barain, had died shortly prior to the  actual bug-incident.  The repopulation occurred right as I was  attempting to loot the PCs corpse -- his "belongings" pack and his  corpse all de-spawned to accommodate the repopulation, and he lost  everything.

The DM wern8 has a bit of this information, as they aided us in getting  out of the dungeon (it was now well beyond us), and offered some help to  the PC that lost his gear, in the form of 480 gold.  

Again, briefly, for clarity, it seemed from my perspective as if, when  the second group tried to begin the quest, it basically lobbed them in  with our party, and they proceeded to take us from the party (likely  they had no clue we were actually running the dungeon at the time).

Sorry about the length of this -- it was just bizarre, and I figured you needed details, in case of a larger problem.  
