Changing the Exiled Camp Transition

Started by Ghost, December 08, 2010, 04:43:57 AM

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Because of the change to the Tangled Woods monsters can now chase PCs across the transition and directly into the Exiled Camp. Once inside the orcs, werewolves and what have you begin to kill the NPCs (who apparently don't respond). Whatever has entered tends to be waiting around for a PC to arrive since the NPCs don't deal with it.

Since this is a place where low level wilderness PCs often go, and use as their spawn point I feel it would be for the best to change the transition into a placeable once more, or something else that the spawns can't run across.


Seconded.  I liked it when it was semi-secret.


I think that they should just make the npcs able to kill the ugly Orc#4447 lol

Egon the Monkey

A couple of totem poles at the entrance or something, yeah.


I thought the whole idea of the forest clearing was handled IG... my character still deals with it that way... like Niven fled the city b/c of all the politics... found her way to Exiled Camp.... got bugged by the order there and then moved further from "civilization"... One day she stepped out of camp into a cleared forest...  this is different then (IMO) orcs and what not following into the camp and rampageing around... I personally have seen it once and a second time was able to get a DM's assistance. (as an aside I was able to heal NPC's while they did not damage to a "rogue wildman").


It's safe to assume the NPCs there are  (mostly) deeply displeased by the Order taking over the forest and clearing the trees, and many seem to be packing up to set off for a new home...

I fixed the faction issue though.