"Moss Covered Sacks"

Started by Howlando, November 28, 2010, 05:52:13 PM

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Many months ago, we had a quest where you could earn "Moss Covered Sacks," bags with -10% item reduction.

Unfortunately, due to a particular peculiarity in the bioware engine, these items will "transform" into bags of holding if a PC holding them dies.

We removed the Moss Covered Sacks, but some old characters still have them.

As they were certainly never intended originally to be bags of holding, I'm afraid to say that as of now we will be replacing all of them with a "Magic Pouch" item.

If you possess a "Moss Covered Sack," please contact a DM to get it swapped out for the correct bag.

Thank you in advance for your cooperation and for not whining.