Bring back Preludes

Started by Dr Dragon, November 11, 2010, 11:55:00 PM

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Dr Dragon

There was a time where there was a forum for players to post preludes/ideas for preludes and a dm could agree to host it and players could say there were interested in partaking.

Also I remember when Dms would sometimes announce preludes and ask Pcs to participate.

(Such as Bandits Vs Guards or those cool under mountain preludes.


I always wondered what happened to these, it seemed to disappear overnight and was sorta awesome as far as coming up with new char ideas.

Bring back?


It wasn't overnight. It was replaced with intro forum, and removed back in UD era EFU when if devolved into the forum to request starting loot for novelty group concepts that were swiftly abandonned - much like the player faction forums of today.

Preludes are still possible, and they happen, it's just interest dependent. The DM's, which is, in turn, dependent on the concept itself.


Preludes are great fun, and you need a stellar concept.

It's basically asking a DM to run your character a dm quest without the dm actually seeing your character in action.


Nine has it. Find a DM that is interested in your concept, and it may happen.


man i wish i knew preludes were the key to free custom loot back in the underdark... the only one i ever went on i got pink +1 halfplate on a PC who didn't even use heavy armor!