Assorted Screenshots of Rodger Haldricks

Started by Divine Intervention, November 11, 2010, 07:22:43 PM

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Divine Intervention

Probably a couple of months late for a dead thread but unfortunately I was unable to load these up straight after.  Enjoy!  (Warning screenshots in large numbers)

Certainly not someone who appears in your dormitory everyday.

Zombie bears are not the worlds best negotiators.

The End.


I beg to differ, zombie bears make excellent negotiators. Too bad I had to toss it off of a cliff. =( Would have made that escapade much easier.

Awesome character, good times.

The Old Hack

I liked Haldricks a lot, either as Solace's enemy or Snow's hopeless love. :) Great character.


Lumiere, how come you always log off when I'm about to fight somebody? :(

Haldricks was something else, man. Well done, well done!


Waah, a fat man!

Sadly I did only meet him to be beaten down ;). Still a very nice character from what I have seen!