Kamikaze Evoker

Started by Nightshadow, November 10, 2010, 03:22:47 AM

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This seems to be bugged. I've cast Gedlee's Electric Loop, Magic Missile, Ray of Frost and Acid Splash, so far with it, with no change in damage, nor do I take any damage from the casting myself. I've also tried relogging to see if it works after that, with no change.

Just in case you need to know...
Account: Valo65
Character: Orlando Crowlee
Class: Sorcerer


Doesn't work with the new spells, either, tried it with scorching ray, disrupt undead and burning bolt.


Bump. Also, doesn't work with the new spells, either, tried it with scorching ray, disrupt undead and burning bolt.



No, it still does not seem to work. Probably one of those complicated bugs that will take a while to fix. It was only originally reported 3 days ago, anyway.


Still a problem. You're all probably really busy with other things, but any idea when/if this will be fixed?


I will be investigating.


This should be fixed next reset.


After a reset, it's still bugged. Tested it with Scorching Ray, Burning Bolt and Ray of Frost, with no damage to myself and no noticeable increase in damage. =(


It hasn't reset yet, actually.


Oh? Well, now I feel stupid. >.>


Okay, after the reset it is working, though not perfectly with all the spells. Ray of frost does not deal damage to the caster, but does give bonus damage. Scorching Ray (Level 2 fire spell) deals damage to the caster, but no bonus damage to the target. I'll post more oddities with this here as I come across them.


None of the offensive cantrips (aside from Disrupt Undead, which I have yet to test) deal damage to the caster. Also, when casting Burning Bolt earlier I had to make a concentration check, oddly enough. It was probably just lag, though.


Combust deals 1d6 damage per round it affects the opponent, however it never deals any damage to the caster. I'm guessing it should only deal 1d6 damage on the first round.


I'll just update this post here every now and then with the bugged spells I find.

Spells that deal no damage to caster:
Combust, Magic Missile, Cantrips, Negative Energy Ray, Fireball

Spells that deal no extra damage to target:
Scorching Ray, Balagarn's Iron Horn