Of Recent Lag

Started by Howlando, November 09, 2010, 03:55:52 PM

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From about 1pm PST til 2:20ish PST(2130-2230gmt?), lag was so bad, it became unplayble. Opening a chest, or trying to look at a drop took well over a minute, and combat would freeze, then 30 or seconds later, you would be 1/2 dead, and mobs infront of you dead, with no animations.  This was while doing the Missing Children quest in the docks. Upon exiting, I kept warping all over the map, finally gave up trying to navigate and logged. We did see a "error zero " message come up, on our way out, other then that, the entire session was laggy, but only saw the "zero" message once and got worse as we progressed(the lag), ending in the warping around the map.


I've started to get disconnects alot more now, often when big things happen with alot of people and so on. I had this a while ago, it was gone and now returned. Upon trying to log back in it says my CD code's still in use and I have to wait 5 min.


Quote from: EfUA_undercover;208841How about adding a trash-hole to said quest like on trogs? If people aren't totally lazy and care for server performance they might just take the knuckles, when they check the corpses anyway, and drop them in the trash after.
This way some people are still able to collect the knuckles and others can take care that the remains don't lag up the server.

I don't care enough about server performance to spend all the extra time needed to clean up my inventory for something like that.


Tonight was pretty good, except our party got spikes during the gnoll boss fight.  Screen froze for about 20 seconds.  Unfroze to a loading screen.


Lag spikes at coral.. it would lag then I would crash it was lagging so bad. I spawned on a building and got owned by archers.. when I loggeb back in.. rediculous to be honest lol, But our excellent dms were at the sence and made things ship shape.


Just now there was some massive delay that lasted for about a few minutes.(?) It seems that it was server wide, as other players mentioned it also. No specific script used at the time.


The lag was utterly terrible last night. Trying to go to Shipwreck beach via the beach was about impossible. I didn't know my pC could teleport 10 game feet at a time. Even restarting the game didn't help too much. It did get better... but wow.


It was lagging when doing the Gnoll quest last night. I would target a Gnoll and then it would teleport away from me and then my char would run and it would then teleport back too me. Also i would see no animation just me standing there and then the next thing i know i am hurt and the enemy is dead.


Something since the last reset has made the lag particularly brutal. Long lapses and then all of a sudden the server would catch up and luckily I'd be surrounded by dead enemies! I've died to these stutters before though, but usually after that it's fine for awhile, but last night there was like 3-4 stutters in one evening and lots of teleporting around.


On the up side the lag seemed to cause me to deliver an odd amount of critical hits on a recent orc quest raid. :) But made for a teleporty gaming experience. Least I lived-barely.


Another big push was done to reduce lag (including, I believe, disabling the system that lets players dynamically plant gardens and such). Let us know if you notice improvements.


Quote from: Howland;211651Another big push was done to reduce lag (including, I believe, disabling the system that lets players dynamically plant gardens and such). Let us know if you notice improvements.

Does that destroy existing gardens? Or simply remove the means to harvest seeds?
[11:23 PM] Howlando: Feel free LealWG
[11:23 PM] Howlando: I'll give you a high five + fist bump tip

[1:34 AM] BigOrcMan: RwG, a moment on the lips, forever on the hips


Horrid lag at the moment of writing this post, and there is only 10 people logged on. No DM on, so I assume spice isn't the case.

Spiffy Has

LArge spike around 6:33 pm while doing under the web.

EST time, Doing Under the Web, a large number of dire spiders had appeared on the screen. Lasted for about 15-20 seconds.

Gregor Farsun was my character


Keep making posts about when especially large spikes occur or you notice a great frequency of lag (or any for that matter). Please add what your character was doing at the time or just before. If you were doing a quest, if something triggered at that specific time, etc. If it's too spoilerish for your character, just send me a PM with it. Also be alert for error messages.


Quote01:20 GMT +1

Talir on efu_talir playing Cyril Rayne.

Noticed a lagspike a few secounds after using the unique property on a book to read its contents. The book was called Bulgina Greaselip's Secrets to Goblin Fertility.

Otherwise, has there been any noticeable improvements?