Add perk verification.

Started by Disco, November 04, 2010, 08:46:43 PM

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Yeah, when I clicked Perks, it only brought up the first page of the perk explanations in my journal, so when I clicked on a perk to learn more, I received said perk instantly!

I got lucky in that it was something I was actually thinking of choosing, but imagine how depressing it'd be if I got something completely out of character, haha!


Yes! that happened to me once when i was pretty new, i thought clicking the perk would open more information on it, instead it gave me the dreamer perk which was irrelavent to my PC haha.

A confirm option would be nice.


Also make it possible to determine what perk you have actually taken, unless I simply missed how that's possible.


Would agree that the perk system could use a lot of minor touch ups.


And it's getting them. Patience.