Would you download HAKs in a....

Started by VanillaPudding, October 04, 2010, 02:53:00 AM

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The Crimson Magician



God the CEP is bad.

People who like haks are, by and large, creepy cyborers, and the haks are nothing other than a tool to facilitate their creepiness.


I like the pretty CEP cloths and I don't cyber. I masturbate on my own time, thank you.


I support haks because they offer a larger range of skimpy negligee for my PCs to wear.


You normally have a solid basis for your shitty trolls Ninelives :S, please improve after reading first page.



Quote from: tropic;202999

Is that a zombie with an affro?
[url=https://www.efupw.com/forums/index.php?topic=706473.msg747918#msg747918]The Entirely True Legends of Velan Volandis[/url]


No, it's a pirate zombie. See the eyepatch and peg leg? That's just a rather poorly made pirate hat on his head, or it's just a bad angle.


As a NWN player since release I can honestly say I've never not joined a server because of HAKs. Having played EFU for a while as well I would think the word of mouth/forums/website would be enough to convince people to join. If we wanted to add HAKs should do one or two small/medium ones, then after a few months start adding a few more. This way new players aren't having to deal with downloading and sorting a ton of files at once. I mean I know people say haks drive people away but honestly I doubt it is even a factor in most cases now.


The server is great already, what more could we add with haks? CEP content doesn't impress me, much, and actually it could turn me off of downloading any haks for this server, as it's so large and my provider would hate me forever, though I do have some of the newer versions laying about (I think I have 2.2 installed). I think it's a question of what is best for the server. New, awesome content is always great, but does it really outweigh those few players who would be turned off? *shrug* I don't know.

Jayde Moon

I voted yes, but some people make some very good points about new players cruising in...


At this time, I think that as more servers go away, people will see servers that have a a large number of players and gravitate to them, even if there were haks.

I mean, if you saw three servers and two of them didn't have haks, but they also had zero players, while one with haks had 20+ players on... where would you go?

That said, where does EfU go after the Archipelago?

(BTW, that's a vote to say I would download haks, but it definitely is not a statement to say I think EfU should go haks or that I even think it's necessary or would be helpful.)



I would download haks to continue playing here, but I can't imagine that they would improve my fun a lot.

Maybe the server would even look better than it already does, but if I would play for the graphics I would spend my time with Crysis and not poor old NWN.


Everyone has a point here with haks putting new players off etc but here is how i see being a fairly new player myself only having played just under a year now.

Haks do indeed scare you off especially if you don't know the ins and outs of the nwn folder.

Most people don't really know what haks are for and why the server will not allow them to join, if you provide clearly in the server information what website to go to and then on the forums itself have a step to step guide exactly how to do it with little effort in finding this information then i gurentee new players will happily download haks as long as it is spoon fed to them and requires little effort on thier part.


Quote from: SilentSouth;203080Haks do indeed scare you off especially if you don't know the ins and outs of the nwn folder.

the hak files go in the hak folder, how much easier can it get?