Gobsquat Toll - No resident option

Started by el groso, September 15, 2010, 10:24:28 PM

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el groso

My character Rodon Klenner has his spawn point in Gobsquat and has the Goblinoid Honorary Pass, still, the gate dialog does not give the option of "I live here you nitwit".


Likewise, a character of mine got one from Valara and it fails.

el groso

*bump* (Problem remains)

Drakill Tannan

Pfft deal with it IC (sarcasm)

el groso

I think I know what is going on. The new version of the Pass weighs nothing, and is issued only by Valara, therefore, this new item was probably made aside from the older one, and it does not trigger the free pass. I hope it helps toward solving it.