Bring back the ...

Started by Udenbur, September 12, 2010, 03:54:19 PM

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i think a bigger deal is that small shields are really pointless


Quote from: derflaro;199168i think a bigger deal is that small shields are really pointless

Quote For Truth. Despite the fact theres one or two real nice ones in the loot tables with +1 ac, It's a shame NWN borked bucklers so you can't use them with bows or two handed weapons. I really don't see how you could make small shields more viable, though, they fill the niche of being "what you use if you don't have the str to carry a large".

The Boom King

Benefits of small shields:
Lower hit on your H/MS.
Many are so danged magical you really wouldn't believe it.
Think of it less as a shield and more like a deflector on the back of your hand.
Good for pimpslaps.


are you trying to be like a small shield peddling con artist because selling it like that just makes them sound even worse


well generally, when you hide it's very easy to just unequip your shield, and even then it's only a one point difference between a large shield

no one weighs carrying ten pounds as worth more than one ac. at best i am pretty sure people just carry them around for distinct encounters or for item charges. not to mention a few lightened large shields there are anyways

while it's true many are magical, usually they fall under the category of situational or just used for charges. usually large shields just outdo them

on second thought though i guess they serve as a great option for people who want to intentionally choose awful shields. maybe there could be a perk like 'fanatic of small shields'