NWN3 Confirmed, Uses 4.0 Ruleset and Setting

Started by GoblinSapper, August 23, 2010, 06:28:48 PM

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I kind of agree that they could pretty much label it an MMO but imagine the storm of WoW-clone-kidz. I think they are taking a definite stance here.
As many other MMO game developers would say "Look, we are making a totally different MMO game" they are more bold here and abandoning the whole MMO label.
Even though it actually IS an MMO people will misinterpret what this game wants to do....and MMO has become synonimous with mainstream fast paced titles for kids.
So obviously they wan't to get away from that and this is a good try anyway.


Personally I would just be hoping that it could be an improved NWN1.


Quote from: superfly2000;198398Personally I would just be hoping that it could be an improved NWN1.

Which unfortunatly won't happen, because people are too goddamn dumb to figure out how to monetize that.
Check it, take a NWN game, give it a core ruleset and core resources for building. Then release expansion packs and chunk DLC via digital to expand these resources - bonus placebles and models and rulests, themed around different campaign settings. Make sure to combine these different DLC's into GOTY style comprehensive packs for the people that want to pay for ALL of them, and price competetivly.
This turns what is otherwise a game that focuses on multiplay but makes NO money after initial purchase, to an evergreen field of dollar bills, that becomes self advertising when your consumers do all your work for you with fantastic mods.
Bonus points if you pull a vALVE and hire talented modders and put their work up for sale.
But every company is too fucking dumb for that and has to ride the subscription train to failtown.

Drakill Tannan

Quote from: GoblinSapper;198454Which unfortunatly won't happen, because people are too goddamn dumb to figure out how to monetize that.
Check it, take a NWN game, give it a core ruleset and core resources for building. Then release expansion packs and chunk DLC via digital to expand these resources - bonus placebles and models and rulests, themed around different campaign settings. Make sure to combine these different DLC's into GOTY style comprehensive packs for the people that want to pay for ALL of them, and price competetivly.
This turns what is otherwise a game that focuses on multiplay but makes NO money after initial purchase, to an evergreen field of dollar bills, that becomes self advertising when your consumers do all your work for you with fantastic mods.
Bonus points if you pull a vALVE and hire talented modders and put their work up for sale.
But every company is too fucking dumb for that and has to ride the subscription train to failtown.

It could actually be done today. It's very simple: if you check the vault the engine capabilities are not at their maximun, so the graphics could be improved (the tileses on the vault look soo cool) A company might give it a graphical update that could be even optional to make it more appeling to non-nwn users. Add new features to the game as any expansion would: new core classes, spells, feats, etc. the PRC gives you an idea of how much it can be added, so much the game could look completly different. Simply add all this content and make, rather than a sequel, a super expansion pack with a new capaign waay larger than the usual lenght of expansions.

To sell it, simply sell the updated NWN as a CD in stores, and label it NWN 2, 3 or whatever. This way people would buy NWN 1 & 2 at the same time, and people who have never played it could catch up, plus it would be an exelent deal: 2 games and 2 expansions in 1 pack. For thouse who alreayd have NWN installed, allow them to freely update their graphics though the official site, so people will start comming back, then allow them to download (by a price) the content added in NWN 2 with a discount.

Less work, doesn't ruin NWN and gives a lot of money. Easy. Of cource, bioware has to abide by the rules of monkeys so there is not much that can be done.


Quote from: Drakill Tannan;198474It could actually be done today. It's very simple: if you check the vault the engine capabilities are not at their maximun, so the graphics could be improved (the tileses on the vault look soo cool) A company might give it a graphical update that could be even optional to make it more appeling to non-nwn users. Add new features to the game as any expansion would: new core classes, spells, feats, etc. the PRC gives you an idea of how much it can be added, so much the game could look completly different. Simply add all this content and make, rather than a sequel, a super expansion pack with a new capaign waay larger than the usual lenght of expansions.
To sell it, simply sell the updated NWN as a CD in stores, and label it NWN 2, 3 or whatever. This way people would buy NWN 1 & 2 at the same time, and people who have never played it could catch up, plus it would be an exelent deal: 2 games and 2 expansions in 1 pack. For thouse who alreayd have NWN installed, allow them to freely update their graphics though the official site, so people will start comming back, then allow them to download (by a price) the content added in NWN 2 with a discount.
Less work, doesn't ruin NWN and gives a lot of money. Easy. Of cource, bioware has to abide by the rules of monkeys so there is not much that can be done.

Unfortunatly liscencing and possession makes that impossible, NWN was made when the D&D IP was liscenced to Bioware to make games, who left behind outside liscences shortly after to produce their own IP's. WOTC can give the Liscencing to anyone they want, but the in game assets and engine are biowares possession. So a company would have to purchase or aquire the right to use Biowares resources, as well as the D&D liscence, to even remotly consider updating NWN.
As well it would be an incredibly poor business decision, cutting out the main customers of the sequel -people who played NWN- by giving it to them for free. What I was implying was creating a real successor.
NWN1 is outdated and should be replaced. The engine, Auroura, is still quite capable though - see The Witcher. In order to achieve broad adoption the specs, and thus the graphics, would have to be reasonably low, so visual upgrade from NWN would be minimal, corresponding to the lowest denominator of common pc's. This can be achieved with clever art direction - I don't think we want to see anthing quite like WoW, but photorealism is unnecessary and detracts from the experiance somewhat.
The real gist of my post is that our dream game - a true Dungeons and Dragons PC game that allows us to simulate the infinite flexibility of PnP - is not only possible, but economically viable and profitable. This is important, because D&D is rapidly becoming - who the hell am I kidding, totally already is - a mostly niche market in the face of the booming videogame industry. A properly made D&D PC Interactive Experiance (Game might be too simplistic a term for what I envision) is exactly what WOTC could use to not go out of business and stay relevant. Integration with social networking sites is plausible and reconmended.
Facebook Update Status: Slayed Morgoth the Terrible, Red Dragon of Thay

Drakill Tannan

Quote from: GoblinSapper;198500As well it would be an incredibly poor business decision, cutting out the main customers of the sequel -people who played NWN- by giving it to them for free. What I was implying was creating a real successor.

No, i meant giving the graphic update for free to create hype, and then sell them the expansion online.


This thread has gone from shitstorm to pretty interesting read. Nicely done.


Quote from: Drakill Tannan;198550No, i meant giving the graphic update for free to create hype, and then sell them the expansion online.

But graphics are one of the most expensive parts of a videogame, and what would be the purpose of updating a 10 year old game they don't draw revenue for anymore? If you want hype, Bioware did a pretty good job with Dragonage, using pretty much everything under the sun from trailers unrelated to the game (see: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-8E1kG3IbTI and yes, this is an official trailer Oo) and flash games that got you in game lewts. As a Marketing campaign, updating NWN1 in anyway isn't a very lucrative idea.

Roleplaying Physco

Quote from: Drakill Tannan;196554Been reading a bit in wikipedia about 4rth ed.
  • No prestige classes, instead slight variations in between the core classes after level 11.
  • No multiclassing, rather, hybirth classes borrowing feats or abilities from other core classes
  • No skillpoints, now skills are just "trained" or "untranined", and are always at a value of 1/2 character level
  • Saving throws have been changed to be similar to AC, with no roll on the affected PCs side.
And many other stuff i don't really get.

But hell, what i liked about 3.0-3.5 was how versatile characters could be, but this seems kinda... static. Sucks.
Umm, fail much, have you actually played or read D&D 4th Edition rules?
  • No prestige classes, instead their are paragon paths for classes AND races, plus their are epic destinies. So basically they replaced prestige classes with 2 specialty classes.

  • Multiclassing, umm yes there is multiclassing, in fact their are two versions of multiclassing now. Their is multiclassing original, and hybrid. Hybrids are basically the equivelent of half of two classes of your choice.

  • Skills, skill training gives the player a +5 bonus to a skill and can only be selected at the start or with a feat. Skill points still exist obviously and not only that but your ability scores now determain them.

  • Saving Throws don't have a roll!? That wouldn't make any sense instead they keep saving throws as normal WITH bonuses and multiplied Armor Class or AC into 3 more defenses. Fortitude, Will and Reflex.

In otherwords, you didn't know what in Tyr's name you were talking about. Read more next time. :P
Anyway, everyone will be happy to know that D&D 4th Edition actually has the following races;
-Eladrin (Sort of a superior elf)

In fact that's not it;
-Deva (An immortal)
-Goliath (7ft tall built like a lighthouse.)
-Shifter (Lycanthrope, this race is split into 2 subraces, Longtooth aka Werewolf and Razorclaw aka Werecat.)

Then there is even more!;
-Githzerai (A "good" githyanki pretty much)
-Shardmind (Shard construct)
-Wilden (Tree like, fey origin, split thrice, Ancient, Destroyer and Hunter.)

Then you have forgotten realms additions and eberron additions;
-Genasi (Stormsoul, Windsoul, Watersoul, Firesoul and Earthsoul)
-Changling (Think of a Doppelganger)
-Kalashtar (Ask someone else, I haven't actually used one before.)

Then you have Dark Sun;
-Mul (Desert humans)
-Thri-Kreen (Insect race)
There are more but I'll drop it there :P.

The classes are...


-Hybrids as well.

-Artificer & Swordmage.

Anyway, if you wanna learn the paragon paths, epic destinies and all that other stuff PM me.

Anonymous Bosch

Sounds cool.  I like how you get to choose between five different classes.


Quote from: Roleplaying Physco;229253Anyway, everyone will be happy to know

I, for one, welcome our new WotC overlords.

Roleplaying Physco

By the way I forgot to mention that if their are only the following classes...
-Cleric, Fighter, Rogue, Ranger and Wizard.
  • This is a well-balanced party. One leader, a defender, two strikers and one controller.
  • This is a very short list of classes instead of over like 20+ there is only 5.
  • I probably won't enjoy the game as much without diversity between what specific part of the role I get to play.
  • What the hell!? One divine, Three martial and One arcane power sources? This takes the throat of D&D and slits it into a bloody mess that someone else will have to clean up later. In otherwords, Wizards of the Coast better choose their producer carefully or 4th Edition will turn into the ultimate let down.


I'm not sure if you're a new member to the forums or a secret account, but a word of advice. Thread necromancy is fine, but hold off on the name calling and insulting tone toward others, please. We're a community here and I'm sure we can discuss these things without resorting to such.

Roleplaying Physco

Quote from: Ommadawn;229261I'm not sure if you're a new member to the forums or a secret account, but a word of advice. Thread necromancy is fine, but hold off on the name calling and insulting tone toward others, please. We're a community here and I'm sure we can discuss these things without resorting to such.

Yeah sorry about that, I just get angry when I see a post from someone who won't look up the details, other than that, yes I'm new to the forums and I just noticed the thread. So sorry too the guy I justed trolled, :P.


i like the part where they describe an mmo but dont want to call it an mmo because they want to sound different so they can try convince people to buy the game, these guiz r geniuz