Priests from 2nd Edition...

Started by ScruffyMcSmirkalot, August 19, 2010, 09:29:25 AM

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When people tell you about the grand old days of 2nd Edition, they speak of the great wonders of the priests and their WONDERFUL fashion.

I was tickled enough to actually log in and post, so here you are, the pictures of various priests of different deities:

Faiths and Avatars (Book of the Major FR Deities):

Powers and Pantheons (Book of the Lesser FR Deities):

Demihuman Deities (Book of... well, read the title):

Ah... true true, such books were steeped in grand lore... but boy was the style dated... am I the only one that was sure the artists wished they designed grand playhouse outfits?

Either way, enjoy ;)

P.S. Someone post a 1st ed/2nd ed (non-Planescape) slaad please :D

Scruffy fades back into obscurity, as usual



(Also, the priest of Grumbar is wearing platforms)



beholder cult leader rules


"So what else is on your mind besides 100 proof women, 90 proof whisky, and 14 karat gold?"
"Amigo, you just wrote my epitaph."

"Maybe there's just one revolution.  The good guys against the bad guys.  The question is, who are the good guys?"

~The Professionals


Priestess of Auril looks like the White Queen from Narnia.

Priest of Kossuth looks like a child playacting as a devil for Halloween.

Some of those designs are pretty cool though.


Baneite looks very camp. He is kind of mincing in that pose.


Loviatar: OOH baby

Sune and Mystra: come on, give it up girl! DAYUM

Leira: goddess i miss you

PS: As requested, here are the Slaadi images from the 1st ed. Fiend Folio:

Red Slaad

Green Slaad

Blue Slaad

Grey Slaad

Death Slaad

Too bad TSR was too low budget to have color ink on the inside pages ;)


that death slaad looks evil


I can just imagine the Priest of Grumbar being voiced by Norio Wakamoto.


Thanks Diz-e. My my... so far Slaadi have come, and we have the Planescape universe to thank for it, iirc, transforming them from "mean frogs" to truely horrific creatures with an almost Lovecraftian bent.

Fun times. Also, I learned that to be a proper Minister of Ao, you must have a finely trimmed mustache. Only those can keep you alive from the agents sent to silence you.


Quote from: Diz-e;195773Death Slaad

Death slad is so >:C


Actually it was about 4 years or so ago and I had a palemaster arcane archer on some local vault server who was dating a cat girl halfling but they broke up and she started going with this slaad. I kept killing him but he kept respawning so actually it's a bit of a sore spot with me right now I'm sorry.


But I like your pictures so keep drawing and I will see the new ones.


I like the Gargauth priest. He's all "I may look like some mediocre noble bureaucrat, but I'm actually an evil priest, muahaha"
Also, I don't get why the Urdlen priest is three times as tall as the other gnomes.
The Helmite looks genuinely cool, though, if you ask me.